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Approximation of viscosity solution by morphological filters

Denis Pasquignon (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider in 2 all curvature equation u t = | D u | G ( curv ( u ) ) where G is a nondecreasing function and curv(u) is the curvature of the level line passing by x. These equations are invariant with respect to any contrast change u → g(u), with g nondecreasing. Consider the contrast invariant operator T t : u o u ( t ) . A Matheron theorem asserts that all contrast invariant operator T can be put in a form ( T u ) ( 𝐱 ) = inf B sup 𝐲 B u ( 𝐱 + 𝐲 ) . We show the asymptotic equivalence of both formulations. More precisely, we show that all curvature equations can be obtained...

Approximations by the Cauchy-type integrals with piecewise linear densities

Jaroslav Drobek (2012)

Applications of Mathematics

The paper is a contribution to the complex variable boundary element method, shortly CVBEM. It is focused on Jordan regions having piecewise regular boundaries without cusps. Dini continuous densities whose modulus of continuity ω ( · ) satisfies lim sup s 0 ω ( s ) ln 1 s = 0 are considered on these boundaries. Functions satisfying the Hölder condition of order α , 0 < α 1 , belong to them. The statement that any Cauchy-type integral with such a density can be uniformly approximated by a Cauchy-type integral whose density is a piecewise...

Asymptotic and numerical modelling of flows in fractured porous media

Philippe Angot, Franck Boyer, Florence Hubert (2009)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

This study concerns some asymptotic models used to compute the flow outside and inside fractures in a bidimensional porous medium. The flow is governed by the Darcy law both in the fractures and in the porous matrix with large discontinuities in the permeability tensor. These fractures are supposed to have a small thickness with respect to the macroscopic length scale, so that we can asymptotically reduce them to immersed polygonal fault interfaces and the model finally consists in a coupling between...

Asymptotic behaviour and numerical approximation of optimal eigenvalues of the Robin laplacian

Pedro Ricardo Simão Antunes, Pedro Freitas, James Bernard Kennedy (2013)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider the problem of minimising the nth-eigenvalue of the Robin Laplacian in RN. Although for n = 1,2 and a positive boundary parameter α it is known that the minimisers do not depend on α, we demonstrate numerically that this will not always be the case and illustrate how the optimiser will depend on α. We derive a Wolf–Keller type result for this problem and show that optimal eigenvalues grow at most with n1/N, which is in sharp contrast with the Weyl asymptotics for a fixed domain. We further...

Asymptotic lower bounds for eigenvalues of the Steklov eigenvalue problem with variable coefficients

Yu Zhang, Hai Bi, Yidu Yang (2021)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper, using a new correction to the Crouzeix-Raviart finite element eigenvalue approximations, we obtain asymptotic lower bounds of eigenvalues for the Steklov eigenvalue problem with variable coefficients on d -dimensional domains ( d = 2 , 3 ). In addition, we prove that the corrected eigenvalues converge to the exact ones from below. The new result removes the conditions of eigenfunction being singular and eigenvalue being large enough, which are usually required in the existing arguments about...

Automatic simplification of Darcy’s equations with pressure dependent permeability

Etienne Ahusborde, Mejdi Azaïez, Faker Ben Belgacem, Christine Bernardi (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We consider the flow of a viscous incompressible fluid in a rigid homogeneous porous medium provided with mixed boundary conditions. Since the boundary pressure can present high variations, the permeability of the medium also depends on the pressure, so that the model is nonlinear. A posteriori estimates allow us to omit this dependence where the pressure does not vary too much. We perform the numerical analysis of a spectral element discretization of the simplified model. Finally we propose a strategy...

Averaging of gradient in the space of linear triangular and bilinear rectangular finite elements

Josef Dalík, Václav Valenta (2013)

Open Mathematics

An averaging method for the second-order approximation of the values of the gradient of an arbitrary smooth function u = u(x 1, x 2) at the vertices of a regular triangulation T h composed both of rectangles and triangles is presented. The method assumes that only the interpolant Πh[u] of u in the finite element space of the linear triangular and bilinear rectangular finite elements from T h is known. A complete analysis of this method is an extension of the complete analysis concerning the finite...

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