existence and uniqueness results for quasi-linear elliptic equations with nonlinear boundary conditions
We consider the time-periodic Oseen flow around a rotating body in ℝ³. We prove a priori estimates in -spaces of weak solutions for the whole space problem under the assumption that the right-hand side has the divergence form. After a time-dependent change of coordinates the problem is reduced to a stationary Oseen equation with the additional term -(ω ∧ x)·∇u + ω ∧ u in the equation of momentum where ω denotes the angular velocity. We prove the existence of generalized weak solutions in -space...
Dedicando speciale attenzione all’esempio significativo dei cristalli liquidi di Ericksen [6], viene presentato un apparato assiomatico che consente di dedurre rappresentazioni coerenti delle interazioni d’inerzia e dell’energia cinetica per continui con microstruttura.
We propose and analyze a semi Lagrangian method for the convection-diffusion equation. Error estimates for both semi and fully discrete finite element approximations are obtained for convection dominated flows. The estimates are posed in terms of the projections constructed in [Chrysafinos and Walkington, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 43 (2006) 2478–2499; Chrysafinos and Walkington, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 44 (2006) 349–366] and the dependence of various constants upon the diffusion parameter is ...
The motion of a viscous incompressible fluid flow in bounded domains with a smooth boundary can be described by the nonlinear Navier-Stokes equations. This description corresponds to the so-called Eulerian approach. We develop a new approximation method for the Navier-Stokes equations in both the stationary and the non-stationary case by a suitable coupling of the Eulerian and the Lagrangian representation of the flow, where the latter is defined by the trajectories of the particles of the fluid....
This note is devoted to the study of the long time behaviour of solutions to the heat and the porous medium equations in the presence of an external source term, using entropy methods and self-similar variables. Intermediate asymptotics and convergence results are shown using interpolation inequalities, Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequalities and Csiszár-Kullback type estimates.
We prove the large time existence of solutions to the magnetohydrodynamics equations with slip boundary conditions in a cylindrical domain. Assuming smallness of the L₂-norms of the derivatives of the initial velocity and of the magnetic field with respect to the variable along the axis of the cylinder, we are able to obtain an estimate for the velocity and the magnetic field in without restriction on their magnitude. Then the existence follows from the Leray-Schauder fixed point theorem.