Bifurcation de Hopf d’ondes de choc pour les équations de Navier-Stokes compressible
We are interested in a barotropic motion of the non-Newtonian bipolar fluids . We consider a special case where the stress tensor is expressed in the form of potentials depending on eii and . We prove the asymptotic stability of the rest state under the assumption of the regularity of the potential forces.
Non reflecting boundary conditions on artificial frontiers of the domain are proposed for both incompressible and compressible Navier-Stokes equations. For incompressible flows, the boundary conditions lead to a well-posed problem, convey properly the vortices without any reflections on the artificial limits and allow to compute turbulent flows at high Reynolds numbers. For compressible flows, the boundary conditions convey properly the vortices without any reflections on the artificial limits...