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A compactness result in thin-film micromagnetics and the optimality of the Néel wall

Radu Ignat, Felix Otto (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

In this paper, we study a model for the magnetization in thin ferromagnetic films. It comes as a variational problem for S 1 -valued maps m ' (the magnetization) of two variables x ' : E ε ( m ' ) = ε | ' · m ' | 2 d x ' + 1 2 | ' | - 1 / 2 ' · m ' 2 d x ' . We are interested in the behavior of minimizers as ε 0 . They are expected to be S 1 -valued maps m ' of vanishing distributional divergence ' · m ' = 0 , so that appropriate boundary conditions enforce line discontinuities. For finite ε > 0 , these line discontinuities are approximated by smooth transition layers, the so-called Néel walls. Néel...

A continuous finite element method with face penalty to approximate Friedrichs' systems

Erik Burman, Alexandre Ern (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

A continuous finite element method to approximate Friedrichs' systems is proposed and analyzed. Stability is achieved by penalizing the jumps across mesh interfaces of the normal derivative of some components of the discrete solution. The convergence analysis leads to optimal convergence rates in the graph norm and suboptimal of order ½ convergence rates in the L2-norm. A variant of the method specialized to Friedrichs' systems associated with elliptic PDE's in mixed form and reducing the number...

A Global Stochastic Optimization Method for Large Scale Problems

W. El Alem, A. El Hami, R. Ellaia (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this paper, a new hybrid simulated annealing algorithm for constrained global optimization is proposed. We have developed a stochastic algorithm called ASAPSPSA that uses Adaptive Simulated Annealing algorithm (ASA). ASA is a series of modifications to the basic simulated annealing algorithm (SA) that gives the region containing the global solution of an objective function. In addition, Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA)...

A mixed–FEM and BEM coupling for a three-dimensional eddy current problem

Salim Meddahi, Virginia Selgas (2003)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We study in this paper the electromagnetic field generated in a conductor by an alternating current density. The resulting interface problem (see Bossavit (1993)) between the metal and the dielectric medium is treated by a mixed–FEM and BEM coupling method. We prove that our BEM-FEM formulation is well posed and that it leads to a convergent Galerkin method.

A mixed–FEM and BEM coupling for a three-dimensional eddy current problem

Salim Meddahi, Virginia Selgas (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We study in this paper the electromagnetic field generated in a conductor by an alternating current density. The resulting interface problem (see Bossavit (1993)) between the metal and the dielectric medium is treated by a mixed–FEM and BEM coupling method. We prove that our BEM-FEM formulation is well posed and that it leads to a convergent Galerkin method.

A new H(div)-conforming p-interpolation operator in two dimensions

Alexei Bespalov, Norbert Heuer (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In this paper we construct a new H(div)-conforming projection-based p-interpolation operator that assumes only Hr(K) 𝐇 ˜ -1/2(div, K)-regularity (r > 0) on the reference element (either triangle or square) K. We show that this operator is stable...

A new H(div)-conforming p-interpolation operator in two dimensions

Alexei Bespalov, Norbert Heuer (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper we construct a new H(div)-conforming projection-based p-interpolation operator that assumes only Hr(K) 𝐇 ˜ -1/2(div, K)-regularity (r > 0) on the reference element (either triangle or square) K. We show that this operator is stable with...

A numerical minimization scheme for the complex Helmholtz equation

Russell B. Richins, David C. Dobson (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We use the work of Milton, Seppecher, and Bouchitté on variational principles for waves in lossy media to formulate a finite element method for solving the complex Helmholtz equation that is based entirely on minimization. In particular, this method results in a finite element matrix that is symmetric positive-definite and therefore simple iterative descent methods and preconditioning can be used to solve the resulting system of equations. We also derive an error bound for the method and illustrate...

A numerical minimization scheme for the complex Helmholtz equation

Russell B. Richins, David C. Dobson (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We use the work of Milton, Seppecher, and Bouchitté on variational principles for waves in lossy media to formulate a finite element method for solving the complex Helmholtz equation that is based entirely on minimization. In particular, this method results in a finite element matrix that is symmetric positive-definite and therefore simple iterative descent methods and preconditioning can be used to solve the resulting system of equations. We also derive an error bound for the method and illustrate...

A Slideing Mesh-Mortar Method for a two Dimensional Currents Model of Electric Engines

Annalisa Buffa, Yvon Maday, Francesca Rapetti (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The paper deals with the application of a non-conforming domain decomposition method to the problem of the computation of induced currents in electric engines with moving conductors. The eddy currents model is considered as a quasi-static approximation of Maxwell equations and we study its two-dimensional formulation with either the modified magnetic vector potential or the magnetic field as primary variable. Two discretizations are proposed, the first one based on curved finite elements and the...

A sliding Mesh-Mortar method for a two dimensional Eddy currents model of electric engines

Annalisa Buffa, Yvon Maday, Francesca Rapetti (2001)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

The paper deals with the application of a non-conforming domain decomposition method to the problem of the computation of induced currents in electric engines with moving conductors. The eddy currents model is considered as a quasi-static approximation of Maxwell equations and we study its two-dimensional formulation with either the modified magnetic vector potential or the magnetic field as primary variable. Two discretizations are proposed, the first one based on curved finite elements and the...

A stability analysis for finite volume schemes applied to the Maxwell system

Sophie Depeyre (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present in this paper a stability study concerning finite volume schemes applied to the two-dimensional Maxwell system, using rectangular or triangular meshes. A stability condition is proved for the first-order upwind scheme on a rectangular mesh. Stability comparisons between the Yee scheme and the finite volume formulation are proposed. We also compare the stability domains obtained when considering the Maxwell system and the convection equation.

An axisymmetric PIC code based on isogeometric analysis⋆

A. Back, A. Crestetto, A. Ratnani, E. Sonnendrücker (2011)

ESAIM: Proceedings

Isogeometric analysis has been developed recently to use basis functions resulting from the CAO description of the computational domain for the finite element spaces. The goal of this study is to develop an axisymmetric Finite Element PIC code in which specific spline Finite Elements are used to solve the Maxwell equations and the same spline functions serve as shape function for the particles. The computational domain itself is defined using splines...

An eddy current problem in terms of a time-primitive of the electric field with non-local source conditions

Alfredo Bermúdez, Bibiana López-Rodríguez, Rodolfo Rodríguez, Pilar Salgado (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

The aim of this paper is to analyze a formulation of the eddy current problem in terms of a time-primitive of the electric field in a bounded domain with input current intensities or voltage drops as source data. To this end, we introduce a Lagrange multiplier to impose the divergence-free condition in the dielectric domain. Thus, we obtain a time-dependent weak mixed formulation leading to a degenerate parabolic problem which we prove is well-posed. We propose a finite element method for space...

An effective global path planning algorithm with teaching-learning-based optimization

Emad Hazrati Nejad, Sevgi Yigit-Sert, Sahin Emrah Amrahov (2024)


Due to the widespread use of mobile robots in various applications, the path planning problem has emerged as one of the important research topics. Path planning is defined as finding the shortest path starting from the initial point to the destination in such a way as to get rid of the obstacles it encounters. In this study, we propose a path planning algorithm based on a teaching-learning-based optimization (TLBO) algorithm with Bezier curves in a static environment with obstacles. The proposed...

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