Displaying 281 – 300 of 512

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Optimal Holomorphic Hypercontractivity for CAR Algebras

Ilona Królak (2010)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We present a new proof of Janson’s strong hypercontractivity inequality for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup in holomorphic algebras associated with CAR (canonical anticommutation relations) algebras. In the one generator case we calculate optimal bounds for t such that U t is a contraction as a map L ( ) L p ( ) for arbitrary p ≥ 2. We also prove a logarithmic Sobolev inequality.

Phase field model for mode III crack growth in two dimensional elasticity

Takeshi Takaishi, Masato Kimura (2009)


A phase field model for anti-plane shear crack growth in two dimensional isotropic elastic material is proposed. We introduce a phase field to represent the shape of the crack with a regularization parameter ϵ > 0 and we approximate the Francfort–Marigo type energy using the idea of Ambrosio and Tortorelli. The phase field model is derived as a gradient flow of this regularized energy. We show several numerical examples of the crack growth computed with an adaptive mesh finite element method.

Poisson structures on certain moduli spaces for bundles on a surface

Johannes Huebschmann (1995)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let Σ be a closed surface, G a compact Lie group, with Lie algebra g , and ξ : P Σ a principal G -bundle. In earlier work we have shown that the moduli space N ( ξ ) of central Yang-Mills connections, with reference to appropriate additional data, is stratified by smooth symplectic manifolds and that the holonomy yields a homeomorphism from N ( ξ ) onto a certain representation space Rep ξ ( Γ , G ) , in fact a diffeomorphism, with reference to suitable smooth structures C ( N ( ξ ) ) and C Rep ξ ( Γ , G ) , where Γ denotes the universal central extension of...

Positive energy quantization of linear dynamics

Jan Dereziński, Christian Gérard (2010)

Banach Center Publications

The abstract mathematical structure behind the positive energy quantization of linear classical systems is described. It is separated into three stages: the description of a classical system, the algebraic quantization and the Hilbert space quantization. Four kinds of systems are distinguished: neutral bosonic, neutral bosonic, charged bosonic and charged fermionic. The formalism that is described follows closely the usual constructions employed in quantum physics to introduce noninteracting quantum...

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 512