Girsanov’s transformation for SLE processes, intersection exponents and hiding exponents
We consider the hierarchical disordered pinning model studied in (J. Statist. Phys.66 (1992) 1189–1213), which exhibits a localization/delocalization phase transition. In the case where the disorder is i.i.d. (independent and identically distributed), the question of relevance/irrelevance of disorder (i.e. whether disorder changes or not the critical properties with respect to the homogeneous case) is by now mathematically rather well understood (Probab. Theory Related Fields148 (2010) 159–175,...
An overview of recent results pertaining to the hydrodynamic description (both Newtonian and non-Newtonian) of granular gases described by the Boltzmann equation for inelastic Maxwell models is presented. The use of this mathematical model allows us to get exact results for different problems. First, the Navier–Stokes constitutive equations with explicit expressions for the corresponding transport coefficients are derived by applying the Chapman–Enskog...
We describe hypergeometric solutions of the quantum differential equation of the cotangent bundle of a partial flag variety. These hypergeometric solutions manifest the Landau-Ginzburg mirror symmetry for the cotangent bundle of a partial flag variety.
In questo contributo si discute qualche problema connesso alla derivazione delle equazioni cinetiche a partire dalla meccanica dei sistemi di particelle.
We focus on invariant measures of an interacting particle system in the case when the set of sites, on which the particles move, has a structure different from the usually considered set . We have chosen the tree structure with the dynamics that leads to one of the classical particle systems, called the zero range process. The zero range process with the constant speed function corresponds to an infinite system of queues and the arrangement of servers in the tree structure is natural in a number...