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Particles, phases, fields

L. Wojtczak, A. Urbaniak-Kucharczyk, I. Zasada, J. Rutkowski (1996)

Banach Center Publications

The physical properties of particles and phasesare considered in connection with their description by means of the deformation of space-time. The analogy between particle trajectories and phase boundaries is discussed. The geometry and its curvature is related to the Clifford algebraic structure whose construction in terms of the theory of deformation leads to the expected solutions for correlation functions referring to spectroscopy and scattering problems. The stochastic nature of space-time is...

Probabilistic interpretation and random walk on spheres algorithms for the Poisson-Boltzmann equation in molecular dynamics

Mireille Bossy, Nicolas Champagnat, Sylvain Maire, Denis Talay (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Motivated by the development of efficient Monte Carlo methods for PDE models in molecular dynamics, we establish a new probabilistic interpretation of a family of divergence form operators with discontinuous coefficients at the interface of two open subsets of d . This family of operators includes the case of the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation used to compute the electrostatic free energy of a molecule. More precisely, we explicitly construct a Markov process whose infinitesimal generator...

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