Displaying 121 – 140 of 170

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Problemas de Knapsack 0-1 con una restricción adicional.

Jaume Barceló, E. Fernández (1988)


En este artículo se estudian los problemas de Knapsack con una restricción adicional. Este estudio viene motivado por la aparición de problemas con esta estructura en la formulación de distintas relajaciones lagrangianas asociadas a problemas enteros. Hemos considerado dos tipos de problemas: unos tienen las dos restricciones del mismo sentido, mientras que los otros las tienen de distinto sentido. Para ambos tipos de problemas presentamos algoritmos de enumeración implícita para su resolución así...

Quadratic 0–1 programming: Tightening linear or quadratic convex reformulation by use of relaxations

Alain Billionnet, Sourour Elloumi, Marie-Christine Plateau (2008)

RAIRO - Operations Research

Many combinatorial optimization problems can be formulated as the minimization of a 0–1 quadratic function subject to linear constraints. In this paper, we are interested in the exact solution of this problem through a two-phase general scheme. The first phase consists in reformulating the initial problem either into a compact mixed integer linear program or into a 0–1 quadratic convex program. The second phase simply consists in submitting the reformulated problem to a standard solver. The efficiency...

Reservation table scheduling: branch-and-bound based optimization vs. integer linear programming techniques

Hadda Cherroun, Alain Darte, Paul Feautrier (2007)

RAIRO - Operations Research

The recourse to operation research solutions has strongly increased the performances of scheduling task in the High-Level Synthesis (called hardware compilation). Scheduling a whole program is not possible as too many constraints and objectives interact. We decompose high-level scheduling in three steps. Step 1: Coarse-grain scheduling tries to exploit parallelism and locality of the whole program (in particular in loops, possibly imperfectly nested) with a rough view of the target architecture....

Solution approaches to large shift scheduling problems

Monia Rekik, Jean-François Cordeau, François Soumis (2008)

RAIRO - Operations Research

This paper considers large shift scheduling problems with different shift start times and lengths, fractionable breaks and work stretch duration restrictions. Two solution approaches are proposed to solve the problems over a multiple-day planning horizon. The first approach is based on a local branching strategy and the second one is based on a temporal decomposition of the problem. Local branching is very efficient in finding good feasible solutions when compared to a classical branch-and-bound...

Solving the sensor cover energy problem via integer linear programming

Pingke Li (2021)


This paper demonstrates that the sensor cover energy problem in wireless communication can be transformed into a linear programming problem with max-plus linear inequality constraints. Consequently, by a well-developed preprocessing procedure, it can be further reformulated as a 0-1 integer linear programming problem and hence tackled by the routine techniques developed in linear and integer optimization. The performance of this two-stage solution approach is evaluated on a set of randomly generated...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 170