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A conjugate gradient method with quasi-Newton approximation

Jonas Koko (2000)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The conjugate gradient method of Liu and Storey is an efficient minimization algorithm which uses second derivatives information, without saving matrices, by finite difference approximation. It is shown that the finite difference scheme can be removed by using a quasi-Newton approximation for computing a search direction, without loss of convergence. A conjugate gradient method based on BFGS approximation is proposed and compared with existing methods of the same class.

A cooperative sensor network : optimal deployment and functioning

Alfonso Farina, Antonio Graziano, Francesca Mariani, Francesco Zirilli (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

A network of mobile cooperative sensors is considered. The following problems are studied: (1) the “optimal“deployment of the sensors on a given territory; (2) the detection of local anomalies in the noisy data measured by the sensors. In absence of an information fusion center in the network, from “local” interactions between sensors “global“solutions of these problems are found.

A Cooperative Sensor Network: Optimal Deployment and Functioning

Alfonso Farina, Antonio Graziano, Francesca Mariani, Francesco Zirilli (2011)

RAIRO - Operations Research

A network of mobile cooperative sensors is considered. The following problems are studied: (1) the “optimal" deployment of the sensors on a given territory; (2) the detection of local anomalies in the noisy data measured by the sensors. In absence of an information fusion center in the network, from “local" interactions between sensors “global" solutions of these problems are found.

A family of model predictive control algorithms with artificial neural networks

Maciej Ławryńczuk (2007)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper details nonlinear Model-based Predictive Control (MPC) algorithms for MIMO processes modelled by means of neural networks of a feedforward structure. Two general MPC techniques are considered: the one with Nonlinear Optimisation (MPC-NO) and the one with Nonlinear Prediction and Linearisation (MPC-NPL). In the first case a nonlinear optimisation problem is solved in real time on-line. In order to reduce the computational burden, in the second case a neural model of the process is used...

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