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Combining odometry and visual loop-closure detection for consistent topo-metrical mapping

S. Bazeille, D. Filliat (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

We address the problem of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) by combining visual loop-closure detection with metrical information given by a robot odometry. The proposed algorithm extends a purely appearance-based loop-closure detection method based on bags of visual words [A. Angeli, D. Filliat, S. Doncieux and J.-A. Meyer, IEEE Transactions On Robotics, Special Issue on Visual SLAM 24 (2008) 1027–1037], which is able to detect when the robot has returned back to a previously visited...

Combining Odometry and Visual Loop-Closure Detection for Consistent Topo-Metrical Mapping

S. Bazeille, D. Filliat (2011)

RAIRO - Operations Research

We address the problem of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) by combining visual loop-closure detection with metrical information given by a robot odometry. The proposed algorithm extends a purely appearance-based loop-closure detection method based on bags of visual words [A. Angeli, D. Filliat, S. Doncieux and J.-A. Meyer, IEEE Transactions On Robotics, Special Issue on Visual SLAM24 (2008) 1027–1037], which is able to detect when the robot has returned back to a previously visited...

Covering with rectangular pieces.

Iacob, Paul, Marinescu, Daniela, Luca, Cristina (2003)

Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii “Ovidius" Constanţa. Seria: Matematică

Deterministic global optimization using interval constraint propagation techniques

Frederic Messine (2004)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

The purpose of this article is to show the great interest of the use of propagation (or pruning) techniques, inside classical interval Branch-and-Bound algorithms. Therefore, a propagation technique based on the construction of the calculus tree is entirely explained and some properties are presented without the need of any formalism (excepted interval analysis). This approach is then validated on a real example: the optimal design of an electrical rotating machine.

Deterministic global optimization using interval constraint propagation techniques

Frederic Messine (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

The purpose of this article is to show the great interest of the use of propagation (or pruning) techniques, inside classical interval Branch-and-Bound algorithms. Therefore, a propagation technique based on the construction of the calculus tree is entirely explained and some properties are presented without the need of any formalism (excepted interval analysis). This approach is then validated on a real example: the optimal design of an electrical rotating machine.

Die Aufgaben über die Teilung des Stangenmaterials

Mária Pôbišová (1978)

Aplikace matematiky

Das Hauptziel dieser Publikation war die Auflösung der 1. Etappe von Aufgaben, die die Teilung des Stangenmaterials betreffen, wobei wird für die 2. Etappe dieser Aufgaben die Auswahl optimaler Zusammensetzung der Schnittpläne, die das Abfallprozent minimalisiert behalten. In diesem Artikel wird die Bestimmung eines Katalogs aller Schnittpläne zu gegebenem Zuschnittsverzeichnis behandelt. Diese Problematik ist aktuell auch bei der Bestimmung des Katalogs der Schnittpläne bei der Lösung von Aufgaben,...

Diseño de redes intercambiadoras de calor con utilidades múltiples por programación lineal.

A. Rodríguez, José Antonio Souto González, Juan J. Casares Long (1991)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

Se analiza la aplicación de un algoritmo de Programación de Redes, el método Out of Kilter, al análisis y diseño de redes de intercambiadores de calor con utilidades externas múltiples. Tradicionalmente, los métodos heurísticos y termodinámicos han sido los más utilizados. Sin embargo, estos métodos presentan dificultades de aplicación en aquellos problemas, como el planteado en este trabajo, en los que se incorpora más de una utilidad externa de calentamiento. Por el contrario, el método Out of...

Efficiency evaluation of closed-loop supply chains with proportional dual-role measures

Monireh Jahani Sayyad Noveiri, Sohrab Kordrostami, Alireza Amirteimoori (2020)


Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a beneficial mathematical programming method to measure relative efficiencies. In conventional DEA models, Decision Making Units (DMUs) are usually considered as black boxes. Also, the efficiency of DMUs is evaluated in the presence of the specified inputs and outputs. Nevertheless, in real-world applications, there are situations in which the performance of multi-stage processes like supply chains with forward and reverse flows must be measured such that some...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 194