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Calculating the variance in Markov-processes with random reward.

Francisco Benito (1982)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

In this article we present a generalization of Markov Decision Processes with discreet time where the immediate rewards in every period are not deterministic but random, with the two first moments of the distribution given.Formulas are developed to calculate the expected value and the variance of the reward of the process, formulas which generalize and partially correct other results. We make some observations about the distribution of rewards for processes with limited or unlimited horizon and...

CAPS in Z(2,n)

Kurz, Sascha (2009)

Serdica Journal of Computing

We consider point sets in (Z^2,n) where no three points are on a line – also called caps or arcs. For the determination of caps with maximum cardinality and complete caps with minimum cardinality we provide integer linear programming formulations and identify some values for small n.

Caracterización algebraica de las aristas infinitas en el conjunto dual factible de un PSI-lineal.

Jesús T. Pastor Ciurana (1987)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

Las propiedades geométricas del conjunto factible del dual de un problema semiinfinito lineal son análogas a las correspondientes para el caso finito. En este trabajo mostramos cómo, a partir de la caracterización algebraica de vértices y direcciones extremas, se consigue la correspondiente para aristas infinitas, estableciéndose así las bases para una extensión del método simplex a programas semiinfinitos lineales.

Cell Modelling of Hematopoiesis

N. Bessonov, L. Pujo-Menjouet, V. Volpert (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this work, we introduce a new software created to study hematopoiesis at the cell population level with the individually based approach. It can be used as an interface between theoretical works on population dynamics and experimental observations. We show that this software can be useful to study some features of normal hematopoiesis as well as some blood diseases such as myelogenous leukemia. It is also possible to simulate cell communication and the formation of cell colonies in the bone marrow. ...

Centralized VERSUS decentralized production planning

Georgios K. Saharidis, Yves Dallery, Fikri Karaesmen (2006)

RAIRO - Operations Research

In the course of globalization, many enterprises change their strategies and are coupled in partnerships with suppliers, subcontractors and customers. This coupling forms supply chains comprising several geographically distributed production facilities. Production planning in a supply chain is a complicated and difficult task, as it has to be optimal both for the local manufacturing units and for the whole supply chain network. In this paper two analytical models are used to solve the production planning...

Chance constrained bottleneck transportation problem with preference of routes

Yue Ge, Minghao Chen, Hiroaki Ishii (2012)


This paper considers a variant of the bottleneck transportation problem. For each supply-demand point pair, the transportation time is an independent random variable. Preference of each route is attached. Our model has two criteria, namely: minimize the transportation time target subject to a chance constraint and maximize the minimal preference among the used routes. Since usually a transportation pattern optimizing two objectives simultaneously does not exist, we define non-domination in this...

Chance constrained optimal beam design: Convex reformulation and probabilistic robust design

Jakub Kůdela, Pavel Popela (2018)


In this paper, we are concerned with a civil engineering application of optimization, namely the optimal design of a loaded beam. The developed optimization model includes ODE-type constraints and chance constraints. We use the finite element method (FEM) for the approximation of the ODE constraints. We derive a convex reformulation that transforms the problem into a linear one and find its analytic solution. Afterwards, we impose chance constraints on the stress and the deflection of the beam....

Chance constrained problems: penalty reformulation and performance of sample approximation technique

Martin Branda (2012)


We explore reformulation of nonlinear stochastic programs with several joint chance constraints by stochastic programs with suitably chosen penalty-type objectives. We show that the two problems are asymptotically equivalent. Simpler cases with one chance constraint and particular penalty functions were studied in [6,11]. The obtained problems with penalties and with a fixed set of feasible solutions are simpler to solve and analyze then the chance constrained programs. We discuss solving both problems...

Characterizations of error bounds for lower semicontinuous functions on metric spaces

Dominique Azé, Jean-Noël Corvellec (2004)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Refining the variational method introduced in Azé et al. [Nonlinear Anal. 49 (2002) 643-670], we give characterizations of the existence of so-called global and local error bounds, for lower semicontinuous functions defined on complete metric spaces. We thus provide a systematic and synthetic approach to the subject, emphasizing the special case of convex functions defined on arbitrary Banach spaces (refining the abstract part of Azé and Corvellec [SIAM J. Optim. 12 (2002) 913-927], and the characterization...

Characterizations of error bounds for lower semicontinuous functions on metric spaces

Dominique Azé, Jean-Noël Corvellec (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Refining the variational method introduced in Azé et al. [Nonlinear Anal. 49 (2002) 643-670], we give characterizations of the existence of so-called global and local error bounds, for lower semicontinuous functions defined on complete metric spaces. We thus provide a systematic and synthetic approach to the subject, emphasizing the special case of convex functions defined on arbitrary Banach spaces (refining the abstract part of Azé and Corvellec [SIAM J. Optim. 12 (2002) 913-927], and the characterization...

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