A biased roulette
We formulate a few basic concepts of J. H. Conway's theory of games based on his book [6]. This is a first step towards formalizing Conway's theory of numbers into Mizar, which is an approach to proving the existence of a FIELD (i.e., a proper class that satisfies the axioms of a real-closed field) that includes the reals and ordinals, thus providing a uniform, independent and simple approach to these two constructions that does not go via the rational numbers and hence does for example not need...
L. Kirby and J. Paris introduced the Hercules and Hydra game on rooted trees as a natural example of an undecidable statement in Peano Arithmetic. One can show that Hercules has a “short” strategy (he wins in a primitively recursive number of moves) and also a “long” strategy (the finiteness of the game cannot be proved in Peano Arithmetic). We investigate the conflict of the “short” and “long” intentions (a problem suggested by J. Nešetřil). After each move of Hercules (trying to kill Hydra fast)...