A few remarks on vector optimization from the coalition-game theoretical point-of-view
The paper deals with the concept of coalitional preferences in the group decision-making situations in which the agents and coalitions have only vague idea about the comparative acceptability of particular outcomes. The coalitional games with vague utilities (see, e. g., [6]) can serve for a good example when some types of the game solutions (e. g., the von Neumann– Morgenstern one) are to be extended to the fuzzy game case. In this paper, we consider the fuzzy analogies of coalitional preferences...
Se aplican conceptos y técnicas de la teoría de juegos cooperativos a problemas de decisión que afectan a la política de Defensa del país. El análisis permite evaluar las propuestas sobre procedimientos de votación cualificada presentadas al Consejo Europeo en la cumbre de Maastricht de diciembre de 1991. Se ponen así de manifiesto las implicaciones que supondría para la posición estratégica de España la inédita capacidad operativa concedida a la Comunidad por el tratado de unión política.
In this paper, a solution procedure is proposed to solve fuzzy linear fractional programming (FLFP) problem where cost of the objective function, the resources and the technological coefficients are triangular fuzzy numbers. Here, the FLFP problem is transformed into an equivalent deterministic multi-objective linear fractional programming (MOLFP) problem. By using Fuzzy Mathematical programming approach transformed MOLFP problem is reduced single objective linear programming (LP) problem. The proposed...
This paper presents a new model for computing optimal randomized security policies in non-cooperative Stackelberg Security Games (SSGs) for multiple players. Our framework rests upon the extraproximal method and its extension to Markov chains, within which we explicitly compute the unique Stackelberg/Nash equilibrium of the game by employing the Lagrange method and introducing the Tikhonov regularization method. We also consider a game-theory realization of the problem that involves defenders and...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 91A46, 91A35.We consider nonadaptive search problem for an unknown element x from the set A = {1, 2, 3, . . . , 2^n}, n ≥ 3. For fixed integer S the questions are of the form: Does x belong to a subset B of A, where the sum of the elements of B is equal to S? We wish to find all integers S for which nonadaptive search with n questions finds x. We continue our investigation from [4] and solve the last remaining case n = 2^k , k ≥ 2.
In this paper the theoretical and practical implications of dropping -from the basic Bayesian coherence principles- the assumption of comparability of every pair of acts is examined. The resulting theory is shown to be still perfectly coherent and has Bayesian theory as a particular case. In particular we question the need of weakening or ruling out some of the axioms that constitute the coherence principles; what are their practical implications; how this drive to the notion of partial information...
According to the great mathematician Henri Lebesgue, making direct comparisons of objects with regard to a property is a fundamental mathematical process for deriving measurements. Measuring objects by using a known scale first then comparing the measurements works well for properties for which scales of measurement exist. The theme of this paper is that direct comparisons are necessary to establish measurements for intangible properties that have no scales of measurement. In that case the value...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 30C25, 30C45.K is the exact Koebe domain for the class of functions considered here.
El viaje de P a Q se puede hacer por diferentes líneas de autobuses que pasan por P según una ley de Poisson dada y tienen distintas velocidades. En esta nota analizamos la estrategia óptima para un pasajero que llega al azar a la parada P y desea trasladarse a Q en un tiempo mínimo. Al final (n.5) consideramos un problema de espera para autobuses que no siguen una distribución de Poisson.
Este trabajo presenta una mejora del conocido método iterativo, propuesto por Brown (1951), y cuya validez fue demostrada por Robinson (1951), para resolver juegos matriciales mediante el desarrollo ficticio de una serie de partidas del juego.La mejora consiste en dotar al método de una mayor flexibilidad en la elección del punto inicial del algoritmo.