An existence theorem for differential inclusions on Banach space.
The article presents an extension of the theory of standard Markov decision processes on discrete spaces and with the average cost as the objective function which permits to take into account a fuzzy average cost of a trapezoidal type. In this context, the fuzzy optimal control problem is considered with respect to two cases: the max-order of the fuzzy numbers and the average ranking order of the trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. Each of these cases extends the standard optimal control problem, and for...
The classical Cayley-Hamilton theorem is extended to nonlinear time-varying systems with square and rectangular system matrices. It is shown that in both cases system matrices satisfy many equations with coefficients being the coefficients of characteristic polynomials of suitable square matrices. The proposed theorems are illustrated with numerical examples.
In this paper, we discuss an hp-discontinuous Galerkin finite element method (hp-DGFEM) for the laser surface hardening of steel, which is a constrained optimal control problem governed by a system of differential equations, consisting of an ordinary differential equation for austenite formation and a semi-linear parabolic differential equation for temperature evolution. The space discretization of the state variable is done using an hp-DGFEM, time and control discretizations are based on a discontinuous Galerkin...
In this paper, we discuss an hp-discontinuous Galerkin finite element method (hp-DGFEM) for the laser surface hardening of steel, which is a constrained optimal control problem governed by a system of differential equations, consisting of an ordinary differential equation for austenite formation and a semi-linear parabolic differential equation for temperature evolution. The space discretization of the state variable is done using an hp-DGFEM, time and control discretizations are based on a discontinuous Galerkin...
In this paper, control-oriented modeling approaches are presented for distributed parameter systems. These systems, which are in the focus of this contribution, are assumed to be described by suitable partial differential equations. They arise naturally during the modeling of dynamic heat transfer processes. The presented approaches aim at developing finitedimensional system descriptions for the design of various open-loop, closed-loop, and optimal control strategies as well as state, disturbance,...
This paper deals with a class of nonlinear control systems in in presence of deterministic uncertainty. The uncertainty is modelled by a multivalued map F with nonempty, closed, convex values. Given a nonempty closed set from a suitable class, which includes the convex sets, we solve the problem of finding a state feedback ū(t,x) in such a way that K is invariant under any system dynamics f. As a system dynamics we consider any continuous selection of the uncertain controlled dynamics F.
The concept of combining robust fault estimation within a controller system to achieve active Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) has been the subject of considerable interest in the recent literature. The current study is motivated by the need to develop model-based FTC schemes for systems that have no unique equilibria and are therefore difficult to linearise. Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) strategies are well suited to model-based control and fault estimation for such systems. This contribution involves...
This paper presents a new observability estimate for parabolic equations in , where is a convex domain. The observation region is restricted over a product set of an open nonempty subset of and a subset of positive measure in . This estimate is derived with the aid of a quantitative unique continuation at one point in time. Applications to the bang-bang property for norm and time optimal control problems are provided.
An observability problem for a class of linear, uncertain-parameter, time-invariant dynamic SISO systems is discussed. The class of systems under consideration is described by a finite dimensional state-space equation with an interval diagonal state matrix, known control and output matrices and a two-dimensional uncertain parameter space. For the system considered a simple geometric interpretation of the system spectrum can be given. The geometric interpretation of the system spectrum is the base...
An optimal control problem is studied for a predator-prey system of PDE, with a logistic growth rate of the prey and a general functional response of the predator. The control function has two components. The purpose is to maximize a mean density of the two species in their habitat. The existence of the optimal solution is analyzed and some necessary optimality conditions are established. The form of the optimal control is found in some particular...
A new discrete-time sliding-mode congestion controller for connection-oriented networks is proposed. Packet losses which may occur during the transmission process are explicitly taken into account. Two control laws are presented, each obtained by minimizing a different cost functional. The first one concentrates on the output variable, whereas in the second one the whole state vector is considered. Weighting factors for adjusting the influence of the control signal and appropriate (state or output)...
This work concerns controlled Markov chains with finite state space and compact action sets. The decision maker is risk-averse with constant risk-sensitivity, and the performance of a control policy is measured by the long-run average cost criterion. Under standard continuity-compactness conditions, it is shown that the (possibly non-constant) optimal value function is characterized by a system of optimality equations which allows to obtain an optimal stationary policy. Also, it is shown that the...