Displaying 301 – 320 of 468

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On the null space of a Colin de Verdière matrix

Lászlo Lovász, Alexander Schrijver (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let G = ( V , E ) be a 3-connected planar graph, with V = { 1 , ... , n } . Let M = ( m i , j ) be a symmetric n × n matrix with exactly one negative eigenvalue (of multiplicity 1), such that for i , j with i j , if i and j are adjacent then m i , j < 0 and if i and j are nonadjacent then m i , j = 0 , and such that M has rank n - 3 . Then the null space ker M of M gives an embedding of G in S 2 as follows: let { a , b , c } be a basis of ker M , and for i V let ϕ ( i ) : = ( a i , b i , c i ) T ; then ϕ ( i ) 0 , and ψ ( i ) : = ϕ ( i ) / ϕ ( i ) embeds V in S 2 such that connecting, for any two adjacent vertices i , j , the points ψ ( i ) and ψ ( j ) by a shortest geodesic on S 2 , gives...

On the structural result on normal plane maps

Tomás Madaras, Andrea Marcinová (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We prove the structural result on normal plane maps, which applies to the vertex distance colouring of plane maps. The vertex distance-t chromatic number of a plane graph G with maximum degree Δ(G) ≤ D, D ≥ 12 is proved to be upper bounded by 6 + [ ( 2 D + 12 ) / ( D - 2 ) ] ( ( D - 1 ) ( t - 1 ) - 1 ) . This improves a recent bound 6 + [ ( 3 D + 3 ) / ( D - 2 ) ] ( ( D - 1 ) t - 1 - 1 ) , D ≥ 8 by Jendrol’ and Skupień, and the upper bound for distance-2 chromatic number.

On the structure of plane graphs of minimum face size 5

Tomás Madaras (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A subgraph of a plane graph is light if the sum of the degrees of the vertices of the subgraph in the graph is small. It is known that a plane graph of minimum face size 5 contains light paths and a light pentagon. In this paper we show that every plane graph of minimum face size 5 contains also a light star K 1 , 3 and we present a structural result concerning the existence of a pair of adjacent faces with degree-bounded vertices.

On the unitary Cayley graph of a finite ring.

Akhtar, Reza, Boggess, Megan, Jackson-Henderson, Tiffany, Jiménez, Isidora, Karpman, Rachel, Kinzel, Amanda, Pritikin, Dan (2009)

The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]

On Vertices Enforcing a Hamiltonian Cycle

Igor Fabrici, Erhard Hexel, Stanislav Jendrol’ (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A nonempty vertex set X ⊆ V (G) of a hamiltonian graph G is called an H-force set of G if every X-cycle of G (i.e. a cycle of G containing all vertices of X) is hamiltonian. The H-force number h(G) of a graph G is defined to be the smallest cardinality of an H-force set of G. In the paper the study of this parameter is introduced and its value or a lower bound for outerplanar graphs, planar graphs, k-connected graphs and prisms over graphs is determined.

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 468