Displaying 2701 – 2720 of 3014

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On the structure of (−β)-integers

Wolfgang Steiner (2012)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

The (−β)-integers are natural generalisations of the β-integers, and thus of the integers, for negative real bases. When β is the analogue of a Parry number, we describe the structure of the set of (−β)-integers by a fixed point of an anti-morphism.

On the subfields of cyclotomic function fields

Zhengjun Zhao, Xia Wu (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let K = 𝔽 q ( T ) be the rational function field over a finite field of q elements. For any polynomial f ( T ) 𝔽 q [ T ] with positive degree, denote by Λ f the torsion points of the Carlitz module for the polynomial ring 𝔽 q [ T ] . In this short paper, we will determine an explicit formula for the analytic class number for the unique subfield M of the cyclotomic function field K ( Λ P ) of degree k over 𝔽 q ( T ) , where P 𝔽 q [ T ] is an irreducible polynomial of positive degree and k > 1 is a positive divisor of q - 1 . A formula for the analytic class number for the...

On the sum of digits of some sequences of integers

Javier Cilleruelo, Florian Luca, Juanjo Rué, Ana Zumalacárregui (2013)

Open Mathematics

Let b ≥ 2 be a fixed positive integer. We show for a wide variety of sequences {a n}n=1∞ that for almost all n the sum of digits of a n in base b is at least c b log n, where c b is a constant depending on b and on the sequence. Our approach covers several integer sequences arising from number theory and combinatorics.

On the sum of dilations of a set

Antal Balog, George Shakan (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

We show that for any relatively prime integers 1 ≤ p < q and for any finite A ⊂ ℤ one has | p · A + q · A | ( p + q ) | A | - ( p q ) ( p + q - 3 ) ( p + q ) + 1 .

On the sum of the first n values of the Euler function

R. Balasubramanian, Florian Luca, Dimbinaina Ralaivaosaona (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

Let ϕ(n) be the Euler function of n. We put E ( n ) = m n ϕ ( m ) - ( 3 / π ² ) n ² and give an asymptotic formula for the second moment of E(n).

On the sum of two squares and two powers of k

Roger Clement Crocker (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

It can be shown that the positive integers representable as the sum of two squares and one power of k (k any fixed integer ≥ 2) have positive density, from which it follows that those integers representable as the sum of two squares and (at most) two powers of k also have positive density. The purpose of this paper is to show that there is an infinity of positive integers not representable as the sum of two squares and two (or fewer) powers of k, k again any fixed integer ≥ 2.

Currently displaying 2701 – 2720 of 3014