Displaying 401 – 420 of 902

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Computations with Witt vectors of length 3

Luís R. A. Finotti (2011)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

In this paper we describe how to perform computations with Witt vectors of length 3 in an efficient way and give a formula that allows us to compute the third coordinate of the Greenberg transform of a polynomial directly. We apply these results to obtain information on the third coordinate of the j -invariant of the canonical lifting as a function on the j -invariant of the ordinary elliptic curve in characteristic p .

Computing all monogeneous mixed dihedral quartic extensions of a quadratic field

István Gaál, Gábor Nyul (2001)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Let M be a given real quadratic field. We give a fast algorithm for determining all dihedral quartic fields K with mixed signature having power integral bases and containing M as a subfield. We also determine all generators of power integral bases in K . Our algorithm combines a recent result of Kable [9] with the algorithm of Gaál, Pethö and Pohst [6], [7]. To illustrate the method we performed computations for M = ( 2 ) , ( 3 ) , ( 5 ) .

Computing fundamental domains for Fuchsian groups

John Voight (2009)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We exhibit an algorithm to compute a Dirichlet domain for a Fuchsian group Γ with cofinite area. As a consequence, we compute the invariants of Γ , including an explicit finite presentation for Γ .

Computing higher rank primitive root densities

P. Moree, P. Stevenhagen (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

We extend the "character sum method" for the computation of densities in Artin primitive root problems given by Lenstra and the authors to the situation of radical extensions of arbitrary rank. Our algebraic set-up identifies the key parameters of the situation at hand, and obviates the lengthy analytic multiplicative number theory arguments that used to go into the computation of actual densities. It yields a conceptual interpretation of the formulas obtained, and enables us to extend their range...

Computing modular degrees using L -functions

Christophe Delaunay (2003)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

We give an algorithm to compute the modular degree of an elliptic curve defined over . Our method is based on the computation of the special value at s = 2 of the symmetric square of the L -function attached to the elliptic curve. This method is quite efficient and easy to implement.

Computing r -removed P -orderings and P -orderings of order h

Keith Johnson (2010)

Actes des rencontres du CIRM

We develop a recursive method for computing the r -removed P -orderings and P -orderings of order h , the characteristic sequences associated to these and limits associated to these sequences for subsets S of a Dedekind domain D . This method is applied to compute these objects for S = and S = p .

Currently displaying 401 – 420 of 902