Displaying 41 – 60 of 458

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Another look at real quadratic fields of relative class number 1

Debopam Chakraborty, Anupam Saikia (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

The relative class number H d ( f ) of a real quadratic field K = ℚ (√m) of discriminant d is defined to be the ratio of the class numbers of f and K , where K denotes the ring of integers of K and f is the order of conductor f given by + f K . R. Mollin has shown recently that almost all real quadratic fields have relative class number 1 for some conductor. In this paper we give a characterization of real quadratic fields with relative class number 1 through an elementary approach considering the cases when...

Artin's primitive root conjecture for quadratic fields

Hans Roskam (2002)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Fix an element α in a quadratic field K . Define S as the set of rational primes p , for which α has maximal order modulo p . Under the assumption of the generalized Riemann hypothesis, we show that S has a density. Moreover, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the density of S to be positive.

Calcul du nombre de classes d'un corps quadratique imaginaire ou réel, d'après Shanks, Williams, McCurley, A. K. Lenstra et Schnorr

Henri Cohen (1989)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Dans cette note nous décrivons différentes méthodes utilisées en pratique pour calculer le nombre de classes d'un corps quadratique imaginaire ou réel ainsi que pour calculer le régulateur d'un corps quadratique réel. En particulier nous décrivons l'infrastructure de Shanks ainsi que la méthode sous-exponentielle de McCurley.

Class Number Two for Real Quadratic Fields of Richaud-Degert Type

Mollin, R. A. (2009)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 11D09, 11A55, 11C08, 11R11, 11R29; Secondary: 11R65, 11S40; 11R09.This paper contains proofs of conjectures made in [16] on class number 2 and what this author has dubbed the Euler-Rabinowitsch polynomial for real quadratic fields. As well, we complete the list of Richaud-Degert types given in [16] and show how the behaviour of the Euler-Rabinowitsch polynomials and certain continued fraction expansions come into play in the complete determination...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 458