Displaying 21 – 40 of 84

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On Jannsen's conjecture for Hecke characters of imaginary quadratic fields.

Francesc Bars (2007)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We present a collection of results on a conjecture of Jannsen about the p-adic realizations associated to Hecke characters over an imaginary quadratic field K of class number 1.The conjecture is easy to check for Galois groups purely of local type (Section 1). In Section 2 we define the p-adic realizations associated to Hecke characters over K. We prove the conjecture under a geometric regularity condition for the imaginary quadratic field K at p, which is related to the property that a global Galois...

On non-commutative twisting in étale and motivic cohomology

Jens Hornbostel, Guido Kings (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

This article confirms a consequence of the non-abelian Iwasawa main conjecture. It is proved that under a technical condition the étale cohomology groups H 1 ( 𝒪 K [ 1 / S ] , H i ( X ¯ , p ( j ) ) ) , where X Spec 𝒪 K [ 1 / S ] is a smooth, projective scheme, are generated by twists of norm compatible units in a tower of number fields associated to H i ( X ¯ , p ( j ) ) . Using the “Bloch-Kato-conjecture” a similar result is proven for motivic cohomology with finite coefficients.

On the 2 -class group of some number fields with large degree

Mohamed Mahmoud Chems-Eddin, Abdelmalek Azizi, Abdelkader Zekhnini (2021)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let d be an odd square-free integer, m 3 any integer and L m , d : = ( ζ 2 m , d ) . In this paper, we shall determine all the fields L m , d having an odd class number. Furthermore, using the cyclotomic 2 -extensions of some number fields, we compute the rank of the 2 -class group of L m , d whenever the prime divisors of d are congruent to 3 or 5 ( mod 8 ) .

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 84