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Plongement d'une extension diédrale dans une extension diédrale ou quaternionienne

Bernadette Perrin-Riou (1980)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On utilise les méthodes de Neukirch et Poitou pour écrire les conditions locales et globales des problèmes de plongement. Le cas étudié ici est celui du plongement d’une extension diédrale dans une extension diédrale ou quaternionienne, le corps de base étant un corps de nombres.

Polynômes à groupe de Galois diédral

Dominique Martinais, Leila Schneps (1992)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Soit K un corps et K 1 une extension quadratique de K . Étant donné un polynôme P de K 1 [ X ] à groupe de Galois cyclique, nous donnons une méthode pour construire un polynôme Q de K [ X ] à groupe de Galois diédral, à partir des racines de P . Cette méthode est tout à fait explicite : nous donnons de nombreux exemples de polynômes à groupe de Galois diédral sur le corps .

Polynômes de Barsky

Youssef Haouat, Fulvio Grazzini (1979)

Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Clermont. Mathématiques

Polynomial algebra of constants of the Lotka-Volterra system

Jean Moulin Ollagnier, Andrzej Nowicki (1999)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let k be a field of characteristic zero. We describe the kernel of any quadratic homogeneous derivation d:k[x,y,z] → k[x,y,z] of the form d = x ( C y + z ) x + y ( A z + x ) y + z ( B x + y ) z , called the Lotka-Volterra derivation, where A,B,C ∈ k.

Polynomial Imaginary Decompositions for Finite Separable Extensions

Adam Grygiel (2008)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Let K be a field and let L = K[ξ] be a finite field extension of K of degree m > 1. If f ∈ L[Z] is a polynomial, then there exist unique polynomials u , . . . , u m - 1 K [ X , . . . , X m - 1 ] such that f ( j = 0 m - 1 ξ j X j ) = j = 0 m - 1 ξ j u j . A. Nowicki and S. Spodzieja proved that, if K is a field of characteristic zero and f ≠ 0, then u , . . . , u m - 1 have no common divisor in K [ X , . . . , X m - 1 ] of positive degree. We extend this result to the case when L is a separable extension of a field K of arbitrary characteristic. We also show that the same is true for a formal power series in several variables....

Polynomial Riccati equations with algebraic solutions

Henryk Żołądek (2002)

Banach Center Publications

We consider the equations of the form dy/dx = y²-P(x) where P are polynomials. We characterize the possible algebraic solutions and the class of equations having such solutions. We present formulas for first integrals of rational Riccati equations with an algebraic solution. We also present a relation between the problem of algebraic solutions and the theory of random matrices.

Polynomials and degrees of maps in real normed algebras

Takis Sakkalis (2020)

Communications in Mathematics

Let 𝒜 be the algebra of quaternions or octonions 𝕆 . In this manuscript an elementary proof is given, based on ideas of Cauchy and D’Alembert, of the fact that an ordinary polynomial f ( t ) 𝒜 [ t ] has a root in 𝒜 . As a consequence, the Jacobian determinant | J ( f ) | is always non-negative in 𝒜 . Moreover, using the idea of the topological degree we show that a regular polynomial g ( t ) over 𝒜 has also a root in 𝒜 . Finally, utilizing multiplication ( * ) in 𝒜 , we prove various results on the topological degree of products...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 97