Displaying 21 – 40 of 640

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Canonical integral structures on the de Rham cohomology of curves

Bryden Cais (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

For a smooth and proper curve X K over the fraction field K of a discrete valuation ring R , we explain (under very mild hypotheses) how to equip the de Rham cohomology H dR 1 ( X K / K ) with a canonical integral structure: i.e., an R -lattice which is functorial in finite (generically étale) K -morphisms of X K and which is preserved by the cup-product auto-duality on H dR 1 ( X K / K ) . Our construction of this lattice uses a certain class of normal proper models of X K and relative dualizing sheaves. We show that our lattice naturally...

Caractères numériques et fonctions de Macaulay.

Mireille Martin-Deschamps (2004)

Collectanea Mathematica

The postulation of Aritméticamente Cohen-Macaulay (ACM) subschemes of the projective space PkN is well known in the case of codimension 2. There are many different ways of recording this numerical information: numerical character of Gruson/Peskine, h-vector, postulation character of Martin-Deschamps/Perrin... The first aim of this paper is to show the equivalence of these notions. The second and most important aim, is to study the postulation of codimension 3 ACM subschemes of PN. We use a result...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 640