Displaying 161 – 180 of 218

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Semistable reduction and torsion subgroups of abelian varieties

Alice Silverberg, Yuri G. Zarhin (1995)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

The main result of this paper implies that if an abelian variety over a field F has a maximal isotropic subgroup of n -torsion points all of which are defined over F , and n 5 , then the abelian variety has semistable reduction away from n . This result can be viewed as an extension of Raynaud’s theorem that if an abelian variety and all its n -torsion points are defined over a field F and n 3 , then the abelian variety has semistable reduction away from n . We also give information about the Néron models...

Sieve methods for varieties over finite fields and arithmetic schemes

Bjorn Poonen (2007)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Classical sieve methods of analytic number theory have recently been adapted to a geometric setting. In the new setting, the primes are replaced by the closed points of a variety over a finite field or more generally of a scheme of finite type over . We will present the method and some of the surprising results that have been proved using it. For instance, the probability that a plane curve over 𝔽 2 is smooth is asymptotically 21 / 64 as its degree tends to infinity. Much of this paper is an exposition...

Sur la transcendance de la série formelle Π

Jean-Paul Allouche (1990)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

En utilisant le théorème de Christol, Kamae, Mendès France et Rauzy, nous donnons une démonstration élémentaire de la transcendance de la série formelle Π ainsi que d’autres séries formelles à coefficients dans un corps fini.

Sur le Topos infinitésimal p -adique d’un schéma lisse I

Alberto Arabia, Zoghman Mebkhout (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Afin de disposer des opérations cohomologiques aussi souples que possible pour la cohomologie de de Rham p -adique, le but principal de ce mémoire est de résoudre intrinsèquement du point de vue cohomologique le problème des relèvements des schémas lisses et de leurs morphismes de la caractéristique p > 0 à la caractéristique nulle ce qui a été l’une des difficultés centrales de la théorie de la cohomologie de de Rham des schémas algébriques en caractéristique positive depuis le début. Nous montrons...

Terne di quadrati consecutivi in un campo di Galois

Umberto Bartocci, Emanuela Ughi (1981)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Explicit formulae for the number of triplets of consecutive squares in a Galois field F q are given.

The groups of points on abelian varieties over finite fields

Sergey Rybakov (2010)

Open Mathematics

Let A be an abelian variety with commutative endomorphism algebra over a finite field k. The k-isogeny class of A is uniquely determined by a Weil polynomial f A without multiple roots. We give a classification of the groups of k-rational points on varieties from this class in terms of Newton polygons of f A(1 − t).

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 218