Displaying 21 – 40 of 82

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FC-modules with an application to cotorsion pairs

Yonghua Guo (2009)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let R be a ring. A left R -module M is called an FC-module if M + = Hom ( M , / ) is a flat right R -module. In this paper, some homological properties of FC-modules are given. Let n be a nonnegative integer and ℱ𝒞 n the class of all left R -modules M such that the flat dimension of M + is less than or equal to n . It is shown that ( ( ℱ𝒞 n ) , ℱ𝒞 n ) is a complete cotorsion pair and if R is a ring such that fd ( ( R R ) + ) n and ℱ𝒞 n is closed under direct sums, then ( ℱ𝒞 n , ℱ𝒞 n ) is a perfect cotorsion pair. In particular, some known results are obtained as corollaries....

Finiteness of local homology modules

Shahram Rezaei (2020)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let I be an ideal of Noetherian ring R and M a finitely generated R -module. In this paper, we introduce the concept of weakly colaskerian modules and by using this concept, we give some vanishing and finiteness results for local homology modules. Let I M : = Ann R ( M / I M ) , we will prove that for any integer n If ...

Indecomposable representations for extended Dynkin quivers of type 𝔼̃₈

Dawid Kędzierski, Hagen Meltzer (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We discuss the problem of classification of indecomposable representations for extended Dynkin quivers of type 𝔼̃₈, with a fixed orientation. We describe a method for an explicit determination of all indecomposable preprojective and preinjective representations for those quivers over an arbitrary field and for all indecomposable representations in case the field is algebraically closed. This method uses tilting theory and results about indecomposable modules for a canonical algebra of type (5,3,2)...

Injective and projective properties of R [ x ] -modules

Sangwon Park, Eunha Cho (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study whether the projective and injective properties of left R -modules can be implied to the special kind of left R [ x ] -modules, especially to the case of inverse polynomial modules and Laurent polynomial modules.

Koszul and quasi-Koszul algebras obtained by tilting

R. M. Aquino, E. L. Green, E. N. Marcos (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Given a finite-dimensional algebra, we present sufficient conditions on the projective presentation of the algebra modulo its radical for a tilted algebra to be a Koszul algebra and for the endomorphism ring of a tilting module to be a quasi-Koszul algebra. One condition we impose is that the algebra has global dimension no greater than 2. One of the main techniques is studying maps between the direct summands of the tilting module. Some applications are given. We also show that a Brenner-Butler...

Left sections and the left part of an artin algebra

Ibrahim Assem (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We define a notion of left section in an Auslander-Reiten component, by weakening one of the axioms for sections. We derive a generalisation of the Liu-Skowroński criterion for tilted algebras, then apply our results to describe the Auslander-Reiten components lying in the left part of an artin algebra.

Left-sided quasi-invertible bimodules over Nakayama algebras

Zygmunt Pogorzały (2005)

Open Mathematics

Bimodules over triangular Nakayama algebras that give stable equivalences of Morita type are studied here. As a consequence one obtains that every stable equivalence of Morita type between triangular Nakayama algebras is a Morita equivalence.

Limits of tilting modules

Clezio A. Braga, Flávio U. Coelho (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We study the problem of when a direct limit of tilting modules is still a tilting module.

Local cohomology in classical rings.

José Luis Bueso Montero, Pascual Jara Martínez (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

The aim of this paper is to establish the close connection between prime ideals and torsion theories in a non necessarily commutative noetherian ring. We introduce a new definition of support of a module and characterize some kinds of torsion theories in terms of prime ideals. Using the machinery introduced before, we prove a version of the Mayer-Vietoris Theorem for local cohomology and establish a relationship between the classical dimension and the vanishing of the groups of local cohomology...

Modules commuting (via Hom) with some colimits

Robert El Bashir, Tomáš Kepka, Petr Němec (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For every module M we have a natural monomorphism Ψ : i I H o m R ( M , A i ) H o m R M , i I A i and we focus our attention on the case when Ψ is also an epimorphism. Some other colimits are also considered.

Modules commuting (via Hom) with some limits

Robert El Bashir, Tomáš Kepka (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For every module M we have a natural monomorphism   Φ : i I H o m R ( A i , M ) H o m R ( i I A i , M ) and we focus attention on the case when Φ is also an epimorphism. The corresponding modules M depend on thickness of the cardinal number card(I). Some other limits are also considered.

n - gr -coherent rings and Gorenstein graded modules

Mostafa Amini, Driss Bennis, Soumia Mamdouhi (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a graded ring and n 1 be an integer. We introduce and study the notions of Gorenstein n -FP-gr-injective and Gorenstein n -gr-flat modules by using the notion of special finitely presented graded modules. On n -gr-coherent rings, we investigate the relationships between Gorenstein n -FP-gr-injective and Gorenstein n -gr-flat modules. Among other results, we prove that any graded module in R -gr (or gr- R ) admits a Gorenstein n -FP-gr-injective (or Gorenstein n -gr-flat) cover and preenvelope, respectively....

Natural dualities between abelian categories

Flaviu Pop (2011)

Open Mathematics

In this paper we consider a pair of right adjoint contravariant functors between abelian categories and describe a family of dualities induced by them.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 82