Displaying 1421 – 1440 of 1461

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Optics in Croke-Kleiner Spaces

Fredric D. Ancel, Julia M. Wilson (2010)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We explore the interior geometry of the CAT(0) spaces X α : 0 < α π / 2 , constructed by Croke and Kleiner [Topology 39 (2000)]. In particular, we describe a diffraction effect experienced by the family of geodesic rays that emanate from a basepoint and pass through a certain singular point called a triple point, and we describe the shadow this family casts on the boundary. This diffraction effect is codified in the Transformation Rules stated in Section 3 of this paper. The Transformation Rules have various applications....

Orbit measures, random matrix theory and interlaced determinantal processes

Manon Defosseux (2010)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

A connection between representation of compact groups and some invariant ensembles of hermitian matrices is described. We focus on two types of invariant ensembles which extend the gaussian and the Laguerre Unitary ensembles. We study them using projections and convolutions of invariant probability measures on adjoint orbits of a compact Lie group. These measures are described by semiclassical approximation involving tensor and restriction multiplicities. We show that a large class of them are determinantal....

Orderable 3-manifold groups

Steven Boyer, Dale Rolfsen, Bert Wiest (2005)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We investigate the orderability properties of fundamental groups of 3-dimensional manifolds. Many 3-manifold groups support left-invariant orderings, including all compact P 2 -irreducible manifolds with positive first Betti number. For seven of the eight geometries (excluding hyperbolic) we are able to characterize which manifolds’ groups support a left-invariant or bi-invariant ordering. We also show that manifolds modelled on these geometries have virtually bi-orderable groups. The question of virtual orderability...

Currently displaying 1421 – 1440 of 1461