Displaying 101 – 120 of 309

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Cohomology of Drinfeld symmetric spaces and Harmonic cochains

Yacine Aït Amrane (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let K be a non-archimedean local field. This paper gives an explicit isomorphism between the dual of the special representation of G L n + 1 ( K ) and the space of harmonic cochains defined on the Bruhat-Tits building of G L n + 1 ( K ) , in the sense of E. de Shalit [11]. We deduce, applying the results of a paper of P. Schneider and U. Stuhler [9], that there exists a G L n + 1 ( K ) -equivariant isomorphism between the cohomology group of the Drinfeld symmetric space and the space of harmonic cochains.

Cohomology of G / P for classical complex Lie supergroups G and characters of some atypical G -modules

Ivan Penkov, Vera Serganova (1989)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We compute the unique nonzero cohomology group of a generic G 0 - linearized locally free 𝒪 -module, where G 0 is the identity component of a complex classical Lie supergroup G and P G 0 is an arbitrary parabolic subsupergroup. In particular we prove that for G ( m ) , S ( m ) this cohomology group is an irreducible G 0 -module. As an application we generalize the character formula of typical irreducible G 0 -modules to a natural class of atypical modules arising in this way.

Combinatorial and group-theoretic compactifications of buildings

Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace, Jean Lécureux (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let X be a building of arbitrary type. A compactification 𝒞 sph ( X ) of the set Res sph ( X ) of spherical residues of X is introduced. We prove that it coincides with the horofunction compactification of Res sph ( X ) endowed with a natural combinatorial distance which we call the root-distance. Points of 𝒞 sph ( X ) admit amenable stabilisers in Aut ( X ) and conversely, any amenable subgroup virtually fixes a point in 𝒞 sph ( X ) . In addition, it is shown that, provided Aut ( X ) is transitive enough, this compactification also coincides with the group-theoretic...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 309