Displaying 561 – 580 of 606

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Aspects of non-commutative function theory

Jim Agler, John E. McCarthy (2016)

Concrete Operators

We discuss non commutative functions, which naturally arise when dealing with functions of more than one matrix variable.

Associated weights and spaces of holomorphic functions

Klaus Bierstedt, José Bonet, Jari Taskinen (1998)

Studia Mathematica

When treating spaces of holomorphic functions with growth conditions, one is led to introduce associated weights. In our main theorem we characterize, in terms of the sequence of associated weights, several properties of weighted (LB)-spaces of holomorphic functions on an open subset G N which play an important role in the projective description problem. A number of relevant examples are provided, and a “new projective description problem” is posed. The proof of our main result can also serve to characterize...

Asymptotic behavior of the sectional curvature of the Bergman metric for annuli

Włodzimierz Zwonek (2010)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We extend and simplify results of [Din 2010] where the asymptotic behavior of the holomorphic sectional curvature of the Bergman metric in annuli is studied. Similarly to [Din 2010] the description enables us to construct an infinitely connected planar domain (in our paper it is a Zalcman type domain) for which the supremum of the holomorphic sectional curvature is two, whereas its infimum is equal to -∞ .

Asymptotic behaviour of numerical invariants of algebraic varieties

F. L. Zak (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We show that if the degree of a nonsingular projective variety is high enough, maximization of any of the most important numerical invariants, such as class, Betti number, and any of the Chern or middle Hodge numbers, leads to the same class of extremal varieties. Moreover, asymptotically (say, for varieties whose total Betti number is big enough) the ratio of any two of these invariants tends to a well-defined constant.

Asymptotic cohomology vanishing and a converse to the Andreotti-Grauert theorem on surfaces

Shin-ichi Matsumura (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper, we study relations between positivity of the curvature and the asymptotic behavior of the higher cohomology group for tensor powers of a holomorphic line bundle. The Andreotti-Grauert vanishing theorem asserts that partial positivity of the curvature implies asymptotic vanishing of certain higher cohomology groups. We investigate the converse implication of this theorem under various situations. For example, we consider the case where a line bundle is semi-ample or big. Moreover,...

Asymptotics for Bergman-Hodge kernels for high powers of complex line bundles

Robert Berman, Johannes Sjöstrand (2007)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

In this paper we obtain the full asymptotic expansion of the Bergman-Hodge kernel associated to a high power of a holomorphic line bundle with non-degenerate curvature. We also explore some relations with asymptotic holomorphic sections on symplectic manifolds.

Asymptotics of eigensections on toric varieties

A. Huckleberry, H. Sebert (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Using exhaustion properties of invariant plurisubharmonic functions along with basic combinatorial information on toric varieties, we prove convergence results for sequences of densities | ϕ n | 2 = | s N | 2 / | | s N | | L 2 2 for eigensections s N Γ ( X , L N ) approaching a semiclassical ray. Here X is a normal compact toric variety and L is an ample line bundle equipped with an arbitrary positive bundle metric which is invariant with respect to the compact form of the torus. Our work was motivated by and extends that of Shiffman, Tate and Zelditch....

Currently displaying 561 – 580 of 606