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Le problème de Riemann Hilbert sur une variété analytique complexe

R. Gérard (1969)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Le problème de Riemann-Hilbert sur une variété complexe V s’énonce de la manière suivante : soit A un sous-ensemble analytique de V de codimension un en chacun de ses points et χ une représentation de Π 1 ( V - A ) dans Gl ( n , C . Existe-t-il un système de Pfaff d f = ω f du type de Fuchs où ω Ω n X n ( V , A ) (J. de Math. Pures et Appl., 47, (1968)) dont la monodromie soit la classe de la représentation χ  ?On montre en particulier que si V est une variété de Stein contractile et si les composantes irréductibles de A sont sans singularités...

Liouville-type theorems for foliations with complex leaves

Giuseppe Della Sala (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper we discuss various problems regarding the structure of the foliation of some foliated submanifolds S of n , in particular Levi flat ones. As a general scheme, we suppose that S is bounded along a coordinate (or a subset of coordinates), and prove that the complex leaves of its foliation are planes.

On complete intersections

Franc Forstnerič (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We construct closed complex submanifolds of n which are differential but not holomorphic complete intersections. We also prove a homotopy principle concerning the removal of intersections with certain complex subvarieties of n .

On irreducible components of a Weierstrass-type variety

Romuald A. Janik (1997)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We give a characterization of the irreducible components of a Weierstrass-type (W-type) analytic (resp. algebraic, Nash) variety in terms of the orbits of a Galois group associated in a natural way to this variety. Since every irreducible variety of pure dimension is (locally) a component of a W-type variety, this description may be applied to any such variety.

On Noether and strict stability, Hilbert exponent, and relative Nullstellensatz

Chia-chi Tung (2013)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Conditions characterizing the membership of the ideal of a subvariety arising from (effective) divisors in a product complex space Y × X are given. For the algebra Y [ V ] of relative regular functions on an algebraic variety V, the strict stability is proved, in the case where Y is a normal space, and the Noether stability is established under a weakened condition. As a consequence (for both general and complete intersections) a global Nullstellensatz is derived for divisors in Y × N , respectively, Y × N ( ) . Also...

On proper discs in complex manifolds

Barbara Drinovec Drnovšek (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let X be a complex manifold of dimension at least 2 which has an exhaustion function whose Levi form has at each point at least 2 strictly positive eigenvalues. We construct proper holomorphic discs in X through any given point and in any given direction.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 128