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The null space of the ¯ -Neumann operator

Lars Hörmander (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let Ω be a complex analytic manifold of dimension n with a hermitian metric and C boundary, and let = ¯ ¯ * + ¯ * ¯ be the self-adjoint ¯ -Neumann operator on the space L 0 , q 2 ( Ω ) of forms of type ( 0 , q ) . If the Levi form of Ω has everywhere at least n - q positive or at least q + 1 negative eigenvalues, it is well known that Ker has finite dimension and that the range of is the orthogonal complement. In...

The quasi-canonical solution operator to ¯ restricted to the Fock-space

Georg Schneider (2005)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We consider the solution operator S μ , ( p , q ) L 2 ( μ ) ( p , q ) to the ¯ -operator restricted to forms with coefficients in μ = f f is entire and n | f ( z ) | 2 d μ ( z ) < . Here μ , ( p , q ) denotes ( p , q ) -forms with coefficients in μ , L 2 ( μ ) is the corresponding L 2 -space and μ is a suitable rotation-invariant absolutely continuous finite measure. We will develop a general solution formula S to ¯ . This solution operator will have the property S v ( p , q ) v ( p , q + 1 ) . As an application of the solution formula we will be able to characterize compactness of the solution operator in terms of compactness of commutators...

The ¯ -Neumann operator and commutators of the Bergman projection and multiplication operators

Friedrich Haslinger (2008)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We prove that compactness of the canonical solution operator to ¯ restricted to ( 0 , 1 ) -forms with holomorphic coefficients is equivalent to compactness of the commutator [ 𝒫 , M ¯ ] defined on the whole L ( 0 , 1 ) 2 ( Ω ) , where M ¯ is the multiplication by z ¯ and 𝒫 is the orthogonal projection of L ( 0 , 1 ) 2 ( Ω ) to the subspace of ( 0 , 1 ) forms with holomorphic coefficients. Further we derive a formula for the ¯ -Neumann operator restricted to ( 0 , 1 ) forms with holomorphic coefficients expressed by commutators of the Bergman projection and the multiplications...

The ¯ -Neumann operator on Lipschitz q -pseudoconvex domains

Sayed Saber (2011)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

On a bounded q -pseudoconvex domain Ω in n with a Lipschitz boundary, we prove that the ¯ -Neumann operator N satisfies a subelliptic ( 1 / 2 ) -estimate on Ω and N can be extended as a bounded operator from Sobolev ( - 1 / 2 ) -spaces to Sobolev ( 1 / 2 ) -spaces.

Trivial generators for nontrivial fibres

Linus Carlsson (2008)

Mathematica Bohemica

Pseudoconvex domains are exhausted in such a way that we keep a part of the boundary fixed in all the domains of the exhaustion. This is used to solve a problem concerning whether the generators for the ideal of either the holomorphic functions continuous up to the boundary or the bounded holomorphic functions, vanishing at a point in n where the fibre is nontrivial, has to exceed n . This is shown not to be the case.

Uniform estimates for the Cauchy-Riemann equation on q -convex wedges

Christine Laurent-Thiébaut, Jurgen Leiterer (1993)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We study the -equation with Hölder estimates in q -convex wedges of n by means of integral formulas. If D n is defined by some inequalities { ρ i 0 } , where the real hypersurfaces { ρ i = 0 } are transversal and any nonzero linear combination with nonnegative coefficients of the Levi form of the ρ i ’s have at least ( q + 1 ) positive eigenvalues, we solve the equation f = g for each continuous ( n , r ) -closed form g in D , n - q r n , with the following estimates: if d denotes the distance to the boundary of D and if d β g is bounded, then for all ϵ &gt; 0 ,...

Zeros of bounded holomorphic functions in strictly pseudoconvex domains in 2

Jim Arlebrink (1993)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let D be a bounded strictly pseudoconvex domain in 2 and let X be a positive divisor of D with finite area. We prove that there exists a bounded holomorphic function f such that X is the zero set of f . This result has previously been obtained by Berndtsson in the case where D is the unit ball in 2 .

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 165