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Displaying 421 – 440 of 654

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The triadjoint of an orthosymmetric bimorphism

Mohamed Ali Toumi (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let A and B be two Archimedean vector lattices and let ( A ' ) n ' and ( B ' ) n ' be their order continuous order biduals. If Ψ : A × A B is a positive orthosymmetric bimorphism, then the triadjoint Ψ * * * : ( A ' ) n ' × ( A ' ) n ' ( B ' ) n ' of Ψ is inevitably orthosymmetric. This leads to a new and short proof of the commutativity of almost f -algebras.

The triangle and the open triangle

Gady Kozma (2011)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We show that for percolation on any transitive graph, the triangle condition implies the open triangle condition.

The truncated matrix trigonometric moment problem with an open gap

Sergey Zagorodnyuk (2015)

Concrete Operators

This paper is a continuation of our previous investigations on the truncated matrix trigonometric moment problem in Ukrainian Math. J., 2011, 63, no. 6, 786-797, and Ukrainian Math. J., 2013, 64, no. 8, 1199- 1214. In this paper we shall study the truncated matrix trigonometric moment problem with an additional constraint posed on the matrix measure MT(δ), δ ∈ B(T), generated by the seeked function M(x): MT(∆) = 0, where ∆ is a given open subset of T (called a gap). We present necessary and sufficient...

The type set for some measures on 2 n with n -dimensional support

E. Ferreyra, T. Godoy, Marta Urciuolo (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let ϕ 1 , , ϕ n be real homogeneous functions in C ( n - { 0 } ) of degree k 2 , let ϕ ( x ) = ( ϕ 1 ( x ) , , ϕ n ( x ) ) and let μ be the Borel measure on 2 n given by μ ( E ) = n χ E ( x , ϕ ( x ) ) | x | γ - n d x where d x denotes the Lebesgue measure on n and γ > 0 . Let T μ be the convolution operator T μ f ( x ) = ( μ * f ) ( x ) and let E μ = { ( 1 / p , 1 / q ) T μ p , q < , 1 p , q } . Assume that, for x 0 , the following two conditions hold: det ( d 2 ϕ ( x ) h ) vanishes only at h = 0 and det ( d ϕ ( x ) ) 0 . In this paper we show that if γ > n ( k + 1 ) / 3 then E μ is the empty set and if γ n ( k + 1 ) / 3 then E μ is the closed segment with endpoints D = 1 - γ n ( k + 1 ) , 1 - 2 γ n ( k + 1 ) and D ' = 2 γ n ( 1 + k ) , γ n ( 1 + k ) . Also, we give some examples.

The verification of the Nirenberg-Treves conjecture

Nicolas Lerner (2005/2006)

Séminaire Bourbaki

In a series of recent papers, Nils Dencker proves that condition ( ψ ) implies the local solvability of principal type pseudodifferential operators (with loss of 3 2 + ϵ derivatives for all positive ϵ ), verifying the last part of the Nirenberg-Treves conjecture, formulated in 1971. The origin of this question goes back to the Hans Lewy counterexample, published in 1957. In this text, we follow the pattern of Dencker’s papers, and we provide a proof of local solvability with a loss of 3 2 derivatives.

Currently displaying 421 – 440 of 654