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On the mean ergodic theorem for Cesàro bounded operators

Yves Derriennic (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For a Cesàro bounded operator in a Hilbert space or a reflexive Banach space the mean ergodic theorem does not hold in general. We give an additional geometrical assumption which is sufficient to imply the validity of that theorem. Our result yields the mean ergodic theorem for positive Cesàro bounded operators in L p (1 < p < ∞). We do not use the tauberian theorem of Hardy and Littlewood, which was the main tool of previous authors. Some new examples, interesting for summability theory, are...

On the multiplicity function of ergodic group extensions, II

Jakub Kwiatkowski, Mariusz Lemańczyk (1995)

Studia Mathematica

For an arbitrary set A + containing 1, an ergodic automorphism T whose set of essential values of the multiplicity function is equal to A is constructed. If A is additionally finite, T can be chosen to be an analytic diffeomorphism on a finite-dimensional torus.

On the range of a closed operator in an L 1 -space of vector-valued functions

Ryotaro Sato (2005)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let X be a reflexive Banach space and A be a closed operator in an L 1 -space of X -valued functions. Then we characterize the range R ( A ) of A as follows. Let 0 λ n ρ ( A ) for all 1 n < , where ρ ( A ) denotes the resolvent set of A , and assume that lim n λ n = 0 and sup n 1 λ n ( λ n - A ) - 1 < . Furthermore, assume that there exists λ ρ ( A ) such that λ ( λ - A ) - 1 1 . Then f R ( A ) is equivalent to sup n 1 ( λ n - A ) - 1 f 1 < . This generalizes Shaw’s result for scalar-valued functions.

On the spectrum of stochastic perturbations of the shift and Julia sets

el Houcein el Abdalaoui, Ali Messaoudi (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We extend the Killeen-Taylor study [Nonlinearity 13 (2000)] by investigating in different Banach spaces ( α ( ) ,c₀(ℕ),c(ℕ)) the point, continuous and residual spectra of stochastic perturbations of the shift operator associated to the stochastic adding machine in base 2 and in the Fibonacci base. For the base 2, the spectra are connected to the Julia set of a quadratic map. In the Fibonacci case, the spectrum is related to the Julia set of an endomorphism of ℂ².

On the uniform ergodic theorem in Banach spaces that do not contain duals

Vladimir Fonf, Michael Lin, Alexander Rubinov (1996)

Studia Mathematica

Let T be a power-bounded linear operator in a real Banach space X. We study the equality (*) ( I - T ) X = z X : s u p n k = 0 n T k z < . For X separable, we show that if T satisfies and is not uniformly ergodic, then ( I - T ) X ¯ contains an isomorphic copy of an infinite-dimensional dual Banach space. Consequently, if X is separable and does not contain isomorphic copies of infinite-dimensional dual Banach spaces, then (*) is equivalent to uniform ergodicity. As an application, sufficient conditions for uniform ergodicity of irreducible Markov chains...

On uniformly smoothing stochastic operators

Wojciech Bartoszek (1995)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We show that a stochastic operator acting on the Banach lattice L 1 ( m ) of all m -integrable functions on ( X , 𝒜 ) is quasi-compact if and only if it is uniformly smoothing (see the definition below).

On unrestricted products of (W) contractions

W. Bartoszek (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Given a family of (W) contractions T 1 , . . . , T N on a reflexive Banach space X we discuss unrestricted sequences T r n . . . T r 1 ( x ) . We show that they converge weakly to a common fixed point, which depends only on x and not on the order of the operators T r n if and only if the weak operator closed semigroups generated by T 1 , . . . , T N are right amenable.

Opening gaps in the spectrum of strictly ergodic Schrödinger operators

Artur Avila, Jairo Bochi, David Damanik (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We consider Schrödinger operators with dynamically defined potentials arising from continuous sampling along orbits of strictly ergodic transformations. The Gap Labeling Theorem states that the possible gaps in the spectrum can be canonically labelled by an at most countable set defined purely in terms of the dynamics. Which labels actually appear depends on the choice of the sampling function; the missing labels are said to correspond to collapsed gaps. Here we show that for any collapsed gap,...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 62