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Mean ergodicity for compact operators

Heydar Radjavi, Ping-Kwan Tam, Kok-Keong Tan (2003)

Studia Mathematica

A mean ergodic theorem is proved for a compact operator on a Banach space without assuming mean-boundedness. Some related results are also presented.

Mean lower bounds for Markov operators

Eduard Emel'yanov, Manfred Wolff (2004)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let T be a Markov operator on an L¹-space. We study conditions under which T is mean ergodic and satisfies dim Fix(T) < ∞. Among other things we prove that the sequence ( n - 1 k = 0 n - 1 T k ) converges strongly to a rank-one projection if and only if there exists a function 0 ≠ h ∈ L¹₊ which satisfies l i m n | | ( h - n - 1 k = 0 n - 1 T k f ) | | = 0 for every density f. Analogous results for strongly continuous semigroups are given.

Mittelergodische Halbgruppen linearer Operatoren

Rainer J. Nagel (1973)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

A semigroup H in L s ( E ) , E a Banach space, is called mean ergodic, if its closed convex hull in L s ( E ) has a zero element. Compact groups, compact abelian semigroups or contractive semigroups on Hilbert spaces are mean ergodic.Banach lattices prove to be a natural frame for further mean ergodic theorems: let H be a bounded semigroup of positive operators on a Banach lattice E with order continuous norm. H is mean ergodic if there is a H -subinvariant quasi-interior point of E + and a H ' -subinvariant strictly...

Most random walks on nilpotent groups are mixing

R. Rębowski (1992)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let G be a second countable locally compact nilpotent group. It is shown that for every norm completely mixing (n.c.m.) random walk μ, αμ + (1-α)ν is n.c.m. for 0 < α ≤ 1, ν ∈ P(G). In particular, a generic stochastic convolution operator on G is n.c.m.

Multiparameter admissible superadditive processes

Doğan Çömez (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In this article some properties of Markovian mean ergodic operators are studied. As an application of the tools developed, and using the admissibility feature, a “reduction of order” technique for multiparameter admissible superadditive processes is obtained. This technique is later utilized to obtain a.e. convergence of averages n - 2 i , j = 0 n - 1 f ( i , j ) as well as their weighted version.

Multiparameter ergodic Cesàro-α averages

A. L. Bernardis, R. Crescimbeni, C. Ferrari Freire (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Net (X,ℱ,ν) be a σ-finite measure space. Associated with k Lamperti operators on L p ( ν ) , T , . . . , T k , n ̅ = ( n , . . . , n k ) k and α ̅ = ( α , . . . , α k ) with 0 < α j 1 , we define the ergodic Cesàro-α̅ averages n ̅ , α ̅ f = 1 / ( j = 1 k A n j α j ) i k = 0 n k i = 0 n j = 1 k A n j - i j α j - 1 T k i k T i f . For these averages we prove the almost everywhere convergence on X and the convergence in the L p ( ν ) norm, when n , . . . , n k independently, for all f L p ( d ν ) with p > 1/α⁎ where α = m i n 1 j k α j . In the limit case p = 1/α⁎, we prove that the averages n ̅ , α ̅ f converge almost everywhere on X for all f in the Orlicz-Lorentz space Λ ( 1 / α , φ m - 1 ) with φ ( t ) = t ( 1 + l o g t ) m . To obtain the result in the limit case we need to study...

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