Displaying 81 – 100 of 658

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Centered weighted composition operators via measure theory

Mohammad Reza Jabbarzadeh, Mehri Jafari Bakhshkandi (2018)

Mathematica Bohemica

We describe the centered weighted composition operators on L 2 ( Σ ) in terms of their defining symbols. Our characterizations extend Embry-Wardrop-Lambert’s theorem on centered composition operators.

Characterization of the convolution operators on quasianalytic classes of Beurling type that admit a continuous linear right inverse

José Bonet, Reinhold Meise (2008)

Studia Mathematica

Extending previous work by Meise and Vogt, we characterize those convolution operators, defined on the space ( ω ) ( ) of (ω)-quasianalytic functions of Beurling type of one variable, which admit a continuous linear right inverse. Also, we characterize those (ω)-ultradifferential operators which admit a continuous linear right inverse on ( ω ) [ a , b ] for each compact interval [a,b] and we show that this property is in fact weaker than the existence of a continuous linear right inverse on ( ω ) ( ) .

Commutants of certain multiplication operators on Hilbert spaces of analytic functions

K. Seddighi, S. Vaezpour (1999)

Studia Mathematica

This paper characterizes the commutant of certain multiplication operators on Hilbert spaces of analytic functions. Let A = M z be the operator of multiplication by z on the underlying Hilbert space. We give sufficient conditions for an operator essentially commuting with A and commuting with A n for some n>1 to be the operator of multiplication by an analytic symbol. This extends a result of Shields and Wallen.

Compactness of Hardy-type integral operators in weighted Banach function spaces

David Edmunds, Petr Gurka, Luboš Pick (1994)

Studia Mathematica

We consider a generalized Hardy operator T f ( x ) = ϕ ( x ) ʃ 0 x ψ f v . For T to be bounded from a weighted Banach function space (X,v) into another, (Y,w), it is always necessary that the Muckenhoupt-type condition = s u p R > 0 ϕ χ ( R , ) Y ψ χ ( 0 , R ) X ' < be satisfied. We say that (X,Y) belongs to the category M(T) if this Muckenhoupt condition is also sufficient. We prove a general criterion for compactness of T from X to Y when (X,Y) ∈ M(T) and give an estimate for the distance of T from the finite rank operators. We apply the results to Lorentz spaces and characterize...

Comparing gaussian and Rademacher cotype for operators on the space of continuous functions

Marius Junge (1996)

Studia Mathematica

We prove an abstract comparison principle which translates gaussian cotype into Rademacher cotype conditions and vice versa. More precisely, let 2 < q < ∞ and T: C(K) → F a continuous linear operator. (1) T is of gaussian cotype q if and only if ( k ( ( T x k F ) / ( l o g ( k + 1 ) ) ) q ) 1 / q c k ɛ k x k L 2 ( C ( K ) ) , for all sequences ( x k ) k C ( K ) with ( T x k ) k = 1 n decreasing. (2) T is of Rademacher cotype q if and only if ( k ( T x k F ( ( l o g ( k + 1 ) ) q ) ) 1 / q c k g k x k L 2 ( C ( K ) ) , for all sequences ( x k ) k C ( K ) with ( T x k ) k = 1 n decreasing. Our method allows a restriction to a fixed number of vectors and complements the corresponding results of Talagrand.

Complétude des noyaux reproduisants dans les espaces modèles

Emmanuel Fricain (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Soit ( λ n ) n 1 une suite de Blaschke du disque unité 𝔻 et Θ une fonction intérieure. On suppose que la suite de noyaux reproduisants k Θ ( z , λ n ) : = 1 - Θ ( λ n ) ¯ Θ ( z ) 1 - λ n ¯ z n 1 est complète dans l’espace modèle K Θ p : = H p Θ H 0 p ¯ , 1 &lt; p &lt; + . On étudie, dans un premier temps, la stabilité de cette propriété de complétude, à la fois sous l’effet de perturbations des fréquences ( λ n ) n 1 mais également sous l’effet de perturbations de la fonction Θ . On retrouve ainsi un certain nombre de résultats classiques sur les systèmes d’exponentielles. Puis, si on suppose de plus que la suite ...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 658