Displaying 381 – 400 of 686

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On the points of non-differentiability of convex functions

David Pavlica (2004)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We characterize sets of non-differentiability points of convex functions on n . This completes (in n ) the result by Zajíček [2] which gives a characterization of the magnitude of these sets.

On the projective Finsler metrizability and the integrability of Rapcsák equation

Tamás Milkovszki, Zoltán Muzsnay (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A. Rapcsák obtained necessary and sufficient conditions for the projective Finsler metrizability in terms of a second order partial differential system. In this paper we investigate the integrability of the Rapcsák system and the extended Rapcsák system, by using the Spencer version of the Cartan-Kähler theorem. We also consider the extended Rapcsák system completed with the curvature condition. We prove that in the non-isotropic case there is a nontrivial Spencer cohomology group in the sequences...

On the quasiconvex exposed points

Kewei Zhang (2001)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The notion of quasiconvex exposed points is introduced for compact sets of matrices, motivated from the variational approach to material microstructures. We apply the notion to give geometric descriptions of the quasiconvex extreme points for a compact set. A weak version of Straszewicz type density theorem in convex analysis is established for quasiconvex extreme points. Some examples are examined by using known explicit quasiconvex functions.

On the quasiconvex exposed points

Kewei Zhang (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The notion of quasiconvex exposed points is introduced for compact sets of matrices, motivated from the variational approach to material microstructures. We apply the notion to give geometric descriptions of the quasiconvex extreme points for a compact set. A weak version of Straszewicz type density theorem in convex analysis is established for quasiconvex extreme points. Some examples are examined by using known explicit quasiconvex functions.

On the reduction of pairs of bounded closed convex sets

J. Grzybowski, D. Pallaschke, R. Urbański (2008)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be a Hausdorff topological vector space. For nonempty bounded closed convex sets A,B,C,D ⊂ X we denote by A ∔ B the closure of the algebraic sum A + B, and call the pairs (A,B) and (C,D) equivalent if A ∔ D = B ∔ C. We prove two main theorems on reduction of equivalent pairs. The first theorem implies that, in a finite-dimensional space, a pair of nonempty compact convex sets with a piecewise smooth boundary and parallel tangent spaces at some boundary points is not minimal. The second theorem...

On the regularity of local minimizers of decomposable variational integrals on domains in 2

Michael Bildhauer, Martin Fuchs (2007)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We consider local minimizers u : 2 Ω N of variational integrals like Ω [ ( 1 + | 1 u | 2 ) p / 2 + ( 1 + | 2 u | 2 ) q / 2 ] d x or its degenerate variant Ω [ | 1 u | p + | 2 u | q ] d x with exponents 2 p < q < which do not fall completely in the category studied in Bildhauer M., Fuchs M., Calc. Var. 16 (2003), 177–186. We prove interior C 1 , α - respectively C 1 -regularity of u under the condition that q < 2 p . For decomposable variational integrals of arbitrary order a similar result is established by the way extending the work Bildhauer M., Fuchs M., Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 31 (2006), 349–362.

Currently displaying 381 – 400 of 686