Displaying 561 – 580 of 4405

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An SQP method for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints with strong convergence properties

Matus Benko, Helmut Gfrerer (2016)


We propose an SQP algorithm for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints which solves at each iteration a quadratic program with linear complementarity constraints. We demonstrate how strongly M-stationary solutions of this quadratic program can be obtained by an active set method without using enumeration techniques. We show that all limit points of the sequence of iterates generated by our SQP method are at least M-stationary.

An SQP trust region method for solving the discrete-time linear quadratic control problem

El-Sayed M.E. Mostafa (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper, a sequential quadratic programming method combined with a trust region globalization strategy is analyzed and studied for solving a certain nonlinear constrained optimization problem with matrix variables. The optimization problem is derived from the infinite-horizon linear quadratic control problem for discrete-time systems when a complete set of state variables is not available. Moreover, a parametrization approach is introduced that does not require starting a feasible solution...

Analyse de récession et résultats de stabilité d’une convergence variationnelle, application à la théorie de la dualité en programmation mathématique

Driss Mentagui (2003)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Soit X un espace de Banach de dual topologique X ' . 𝒞 X (resp. 𝒞 X ' ) désigne l’ensemble des parties non vides convexes fermées de X (resp. w * -fermées de X ' ) muni de la topologie de la convergence uniforme sur les bornés des fonctions distances. Cette topologie se réduit à celle de la métrique de Hausdorff sur les convexes fermés bornés [16] et admet en général une représentation en terme de cette dernière [11]. De plus, la métrique qui lui est associée s’est révélée très adéquate pour l’étude quantitative...

Analyse de récession et résultats de stabilité d'une convergence variationnelle, application à la théorie de la dualité en programmation mathématique

Driss Mentagui (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Let X be a Banach space and X' its continuous dual. C(X) (resp. C(X')) denotes the set of nonempty convex closed subsets of X (resp. ω*-closed subsets of X') endowed with the topology of uniform convergence of distance functions on bounded sets. This topology reduces to the Hausdorff metric topology on the closed and bounded convex sets [16] and in general has a Hausdorff-like presentation [11]. Moreover, this topology is well suited for estimations and constructive approximations [6-9]. We...

Analyse de sensibilité d’un problème de contrôle optimal bilinéaire

Jean-Marc Clérin (2012)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

Dans cet article, nous étudions la sensibilité d’un problème de contrôle optimal de type bilinéaire. Le coût est différentiable, quadratique et strictement convexe. Le système est gouverné par un opérateur parabolique du quatrième ordre et présente une perturbation additive dans l’équation d’état, ainsi qu’une partie bilinéaire, relativement au contrôle u et à l’état z , de la forme ( u · ) z . Sous des conditions de petitesse de l’état initial et de la perturbation, nous exploitons les propriétés de régularité...

Analysis and finite element error estimates for the velocity tracking problem for Stokes flows via a penalized formulation

Konstantinos Chrysafinos (2004)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

A distributed optimal control problem for evolutionary Stokes flows is studied via a pseudocompressibility formulation. Several results concerning the analysis of the velocity tracking problem are presented. Semidiscrete finite element error estimates for the corresponding optimality system are derived based on estimates for the penalized Stokes problem and the BRR (Brezzi-Rappaz-Raviart) theory. Finally, the convergence of the solutions of the penalized optimality systems as ε 0 is examined.

Analysis and finite element error estimates for the velocity tracking problem for Stokes flows via a penalized formulation

Konstantinos Chrysafinos (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

A distributed optimal control problem for evolutionary Stokes flows is studied via a pseudocompressibility formulation. Several results concerning the analysis of the velocity tracking problem are presented. Semidiscrete finite element error estimates for the corresponding optimality system are derived based on estimates for the penalized Stokes problem and the BRR (Brezzi-Rappaz-Raviart) theory. Finally, the convergence of the solutions of the penalized optimality systems as ε → 0 is examined. ...

Analysis and Numerical Approximation of an Electro-elastic Frictional Contact Problem

El. Essoufi, El. Benkhira, R. Fakhar (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We consider the problem of frictional contact between an piezoelectric body and a conductive foundation. The electro-elastic constitutive law is assumed to be nonlinear and the contact is modelled with the Signorini condition, nonlocal Coulomb friction law and a regularized electrical conductivity condition. The existence of a unique weak solution of the model is established. The finite elements approximation for the problem is presented, and error...

Analysis of a contact adhesive problem with normal compliance and nonlocal friction

Arezki Touzaline (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The paper deals with the problem of a quasistatic frictional contact between a nonlinear elastic body and a deformable foundation. The contact is modelled by a normal compliance condition in such a way that the penetration is restricted with a unilateral constraint and associated to the nonlocal friction law with adhesion. The evolution of the bonding field is described by a first-order differential equation. We establish a variational formulation of the mechanical problem and prove an existence...

Analysis of a discrete model for the contact problem between a membrane and an elastic obstacle

Aldo Maceri, Franco Maceri (1986)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

In questo lavoro viene risolto il problema del contatto tra una membrana ed un suolo od ostacolo elastico con una approssimazione lineare a tratti della soluzione. Sono date alcune formulazioni equivalenti del problema discreto e se ne discutono le corrispondenti proprietà computazionali.

Analysis of a frictionless contact problem for elastic bodies

S. Drabla, M. Sofonea, B. Teniou (1998)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

This paper deals with a nonlinear problem modelling the contact between an elastic body and a rigid foundation. The elastic constitutive law is assumed to be nonlinear and the contact is modelled by the well-known Signorini conditions. Two weak formulations of the model are presented and existence and uniqueness results are established using classical arguments of elliptic variational inequalities. Some equivalence results are presented and a strong convergence result involving a penalized problem...

Analysis of a one-dimensional variational model of the equilibrium shapel of a deformable crystal

Eric Bonnetier, Richard S. Falk, Michael A. Grinfeld (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The equilibrium configurations of a one-dimensional variational model that combines terms expressing the bulk energy of a deformable crystal and its surface energy are studied. After elimination of the displacement, the problem reduces to the minimization of a nonconvex and nonlocal functional of a single function, the thickness. Depending on a parameter which strengthens one of the terms comprising the energy at the expense of the other, it is shown that this functional may have a stable absolute...

Analysis of a time optimal control problem related to the management of a bioreactor

Lino J. Alvarez-Vázquez, Francisco J. Fernández, Aurea Martínez (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider a time optimal control problem arisen from the optimal management of a bioreactor devoted to the treatment of eutrophicated water. We formulate this realistic problem as a state-control constrained time optimal control problem. After analyzing the state system (a complex system of coupled partial differential equations with non-smooth coefficients for advection-diffusion-reaction with Michaelis-Menten kinetics, modelling the eutrophication processes) we demonstrate the existence of,...

Analysis of a time optimal control problem related to the management of a bioreactor***

Lino J. Alvarez-Vázquez, Francisco J. Fernández, Aurea Martínez (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider a time optimal control problem arisen from the optimal management of a bioreactor devoted to the treatment of eutrophicated water. We formulate this realistic problem as a state-control constrained time optimal control problem. After analyzing the state system (a complex system of coupled partial differential equations with non-smooth coefficients for advection-diffusion-reaction with Michaelis-Menten kinetics, modelling the eutrophication processes) we demonstrate the existence of,...

Analysis of a viscoelastic antiplane contact problem with slip-dependent friction

Thierry-Vincent Hoarau-Mantel, Andaluzia Matei (2002)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

We study a mathematical problem modelling the antiplane shear deformation of a viscoelastic body in frictional contact with a rigid foundation. The contact is bilateral and is modelled with a slip-dependent friction law. We present the classical formulation for the antiplane problem and write the corresponding variational formulation. Then we establish the existence of a unique weak solution to the model, by using the Banach fixed-point theorem and classical results for elliptic variational inequalities....

Currently displaying 561 – 580 of 4405