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Integral representation and relaxation for Junctionals defined on measures

Ennio De Giorgi, Luigi Ambrosio, Giuseppe Buttazzo (1987)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Given a separable metric locally compact space Ω , and a positive finite non-atomic measure λ on Ω , we study the integral representation on the space of measures with bounded variation Ω of the lower semicontinuous envelope of the functional F ( u ) = Ω f ( x , y ) d λ    u L 1 ( Ω , λ , n ) with respect to the weak convergence of measures.

Integral representation and Γ -convergence of variational integrals with p ( x ) -growth

Alessandra Coscia, Domenico Mucci (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study the integral representation properties of limits of sequences of integral functionals like f ( x , D u ) d x under nonstandard growth conditions of ( p , q ) -type: namely, we assume that | z | p ( x ) f ( x , z ) L ( 1 + | z | p ( x ) ) . Under weak assumptions on the continuous function p ( x ) , we prove Γ -convergence to integral functionals of the same type. We also analyse the case of integrands f ( x , u , D u ) depending explicitly on u ; finally we weaken the assumption allowing p ( x ) to be discontinuous on nice sets.

Integral representation and Γ-convergence of variational integrals with p(x)-growth

Alessandra Coscia, Domenico Mucci (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study the integral representation properties of limits of sequences of integral functionals like   f ( x , D u ) d x   under nonstandard growth conditions of (p,q)-type: namely, we assume that | z | p ( x ) f ( x , z ) L ( 1 + | z | p ( x ) ) . Under weak assumptions on the continuous function p(x), we prove Γ-convergence to integral functionals of the same type. We also analyse the case of integrands f(x,u,Du) depending explicitly on u; finally we weaken the assumption allowing p(x) to be discontinuous on nice sets.

Integrals with respect to a Radon measure added to area type functionals: semi-continuity and relaxation

Michele Carriero, Antonio Leaci, Eduardo Pascali (1985)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Diamo condizioni sulle funzioni f , g e sulla misura μ affinché il funzionale F ( u ) = Ω f ( x , u , D u ) d x + Ω ¯ g ( x , u ) d μ sia L 1 ( Ω ) -semicontinuo inferiormente su W 1 , 1 ( Ω ) C 0 ( Ω ¯ ) . Affrontiamo successivamente il problema del rilassamento.

Integrated Design of an Active Flow Control System Using a Time-Dependent Adjoint Method

E.J. Nielsen, W.T. Jones (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

An exploratory study is performed to investigate the use of a time-dependent discrete adjoint methodology for design optimization of a high-lift wing configuration augmented with an active flow control system. The location and blowing parameters associated with a series of jet actuation orifices are used as design variables. In addition, a geometric parameterization scheme is developed to provide a compact set of design variables describing the wing...

Interactive compromise hypersphere method and its applications

Sebastian Sitarz (2012)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

The paper focuses on multi-criteria problems. It presents the interactive compromise hypersphere method with sensitivity analysis as a decision tool in multi-objective programming problems. The method is based on finding a hypersphere (in the criteria space) which is closest to the set of chosen nondominated solutions. The proposed modifications of the compromise hypersphere method are based on using various metrics and analyzing their influence on the original method. Applications of the proposed...

Interactive compromise hypersphere method and its applications

Sebastian Sitarz (2012)

RAIRO - Operations Research

The paper focuses on multi-criteria problems. It presents the interactive compromise hypersphere method with sensitivity analysis as a decision tool in multi-objective programming problems. The method is based on finding a hypersphere (in the criteria space) which is closest to the set of chosen nondominated solutions. The proposed modifications of the compromise hypersphere method are based on using various metrics and analyzing their influence on the original method. Applications of the proposed...

Interior sphere property for level sets of the value function of an exit time problem

Marco Castelpietra (2009)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider an optimal control problem for a system of the form x ˙ = f(x,u), with a running cost L. We prove an interior sphere property for the level sets of the corresponding value function V. From such a property we obtain a semiconcavity result for V, as well as perimeter estimates for the attainable sets of a symmetric control system.

Interior sphere property of attainable sets and time optimal control problems

Piermarco Cannarsa, Hélène Frankowska (2006)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper studies the attainable set at time T>0 for the control system y ˙ ( t ) = f ( y ( t ) , u ( t ) ) u ( t ) U showing that, under suitable assumptions on f, such a set satisfies a uniform interior sphere condition. The interior sphere property is then applied to recover a semiconcavity result for the value function of time optimal control problems with a general target, and to deduce C1,1-regularity for boundaries of attainable sets.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 101