Displaying 581 – 600 of 686

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Optimal design of cylindrical shells

Peter Nestler, Werner H. Schmidt (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

The present paper studies an optimization problem of dynamically loaded cylindrical tubes. This is a problem of linear elasticity theory. As we search for the optimal thickness of the tube which minimizes the displacement under forces, this is a problem of shape optimization. The mathematical model is given by a differential equation (ODE and PDE, respectively); the mechanical problem is described as an optimal control problem. We consider both the stationary (time independent) and the transient...

Optimal design of laminated plate with obstacle

Ján Lovíšek (1992)

Applications of Mathematics

The aim of the present paper is to study problems of optimal design in mechanics, whose variational form is given by inequalities expressing the principle of virtual power in its inequality form. The elliptic, linear symmetric operators as well as convex sets of possible states depend on the control parameter. The existence theorem for the optimal control is applied to design problems for an elastic laminated plate whose variable thickness appears as a control variable.

Optimal design of the cooling plunger cavity

Petr Salač (2013)

Applications of Mathematics

An axisymmetric system of mould, glass piece, plunger and plunger cavity is considered. The state problem is given as a stationary head conduction process. The system includes the glass piece representing the heat source and is cooled inside the plunger cavity by flowing water and outside by the environment of the mould. The design variable is taken to be the shape of the inner surface of the plunger cavity. The cost functional is the second power of the norm in the weighted space L r 2 of difference...

Optimal design of turbines with an attached mass

Boris P. Belinskiy, C. Maeve McCarthy, Terry J. Walters (2003)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We minimize, with respect to shape, the moment of inertia of a turbine having the given lowest eigenfrequency of the torsional oscillations. The necessary conditions of optimality in conjunction with certain physical parameters admit a unique optimal design.

Optimal design of turbines with an attached mass

Boris P. Belinskiy, C. Maeve McCarthy, Terry J. Walters (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We minimize, with respect to shape, the moment of inertia of a turbine having the given lowest eigenfrequency of the torsional oscillations. The necessary conditions of optimality in conjunction with certain physical parameters admit a unique optimal design.

Optimal design problems for a dynamic viscoelastic plate. I. Short memory material

Igor Bock (1995)

Applications of Mathematics

We deal with an optimal control problem with respect to a variable thickness for a dynamic viscoelastic plate with velocity constraints. The state problem has the form of a pseudohyperbolic variational inequality. The existence and uniqueness theorem for the state problem and the existence of an optimal thickness function are proved.

Optimal feedback control of Ginzburg-Landau equation for superconductivity via differential inclusion

Yuncheng You (1996)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

Slightly below the transition temperatures, the behavior of superconducting materials is governed by the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) equation which characterizes the dynamical interaction of the density of superconducting electron pairs and the exited electromagnetic potential. In this paper, an optimal control problem of the strength of external magnetic field for one-dimensional thin film superconductors with respect to a convex criterion functional is considered. It is formulated as a nonlinear coefficient...

Optimal feedback control proportional to the system state can be found for non-causal descriptor systems

Galina Kurina (2002)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Optimal feedback control depending only on the system state is constructed for a control problem by the non-causal descriptor system for which optimal feedback control depending on state derivatives was considered in the paper (Meuller, 1998). To this end, a non-symmetric solution of the algebraic operator Riccati equation is used.

Optimal impulsive control of delay systems

Florent Delmotte, Erik I. Verriest, Magnus Egerstedt (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper, we solve an optimal control problem using the calculus of variation. The system under consideration is a switched autonomous delay system that undergoes jumps at the switching times. The control variables are the instants when the switches occur, and a set of scalars which determine the jump amplitudes. Optimality conditions involving analytic expressions for the partial derivatives of a given cost function with respect to the control variables are derived using the calculus of variation....

Optimal internal dissipation of a damped wave equation using a topological approach

Arnaud Münch (2009)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

We consider a linear damped wave equation defined on a two-dimensional domain Ω, with a dissipative term localized in a subset ω. We address the shape design problem which consists in optimizing the shape of ω in order to minimize the energy of the system at a given time T . By introducing an adjoint problem, we first obtain explicitly the (shape) derivative of the energy at time T with respect to the variation in ω. Expressed as a boundary integral on ∂ω, this derivative is then used as an advection...

Optimal LQ-feedback control for a class of first-order hyperbolic distributed parameter systems

Ilyasse Aksikas, Joseph J. Winkin, Denis Dochain (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The Linear-Quadratic (LQ) optimal control problem is studied for a class of first-order hyperbolic partial differential equation models by using a nonlinear infinite-dimensional (distributed parameter) Hilbert state-space description. First the dynamical properties of the linearized model around some equilibrium profile are studied. Next the LQ-feedback operator is computed by using the corresponding operator Riccati algebraic equation whose solution is obtained via a related matrix Riccati differential...

Optimal mass transportation and Mather theory

Patrick Bernard, Boris Buffoni (2007)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study the Monge transportation problem when the cost is the action associated to a Lagrangian function on a compact manifold. We show that the transportation can be interpolated by a Lipschitz lamination. We describe several direct variational problems the minimizers of which are these Lipschitz laminations. We prove the existence of an optimal transport map when the transported measure is absolutely continuous. We explain the relations with Mather’s minimal measures.

Optimal measures for the fundamental gap of Schrödinger operators

Nicolas Varchon (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study the potential which minimizes the fundamental gap of the Schrödinger operator under the total mass constraint. We consider the relaxed potential and prove a regularity result for the optimal one, we also give a description of it. A consequence of this result is the existence of an optimal potential under L1 constraints.

Optimal multiphase transportation with prescribed momentum

Yann Brenier, Marjolaine Puel (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

A multiphase generalization of the Monge–Kantorovich optimal transportation problem is addressed. Existence of optimal solutions is established. The optimality equations are related to classical Electrodynamics.

Optimal Multiphase Transportation with prescribed momentum

Yann Brenier, Marjolaine Puel (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

A multiphase generalization of the Monge–Kantorovich optimal transportation problem is addressed. Existence of optimal solutions is established. The optimality equations are related to classical Electrodynamics.

Optimal multivariable PID regulator

Jiří Mošna, Pavel Pešek (2000)


A continuous version of optimal LQG design under presence of Wiener disturbances is solved for MIMO controlled plant. Traditional design tools fail to solve this problem due to unstability of the augmented plant. A class of all optimality criteria, which guarantee existence of an asymptotical solution, is defined using a plant deviation model. This class is utilized in design of an optimal state and an error feedback regulator which is presented here. The resultant optimal error regulator is interpreted...

Currently displaying 581 – 600 of 686