Displaying 401 – 420 of 662

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Constructions of smooth and analytic cocycles over irrational circle rotations

Dalibor Volný (1995)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We define a class of step cocycles (which are coboundaries) for irrational rotations of the unit circle and give conditions for their approximation by smooth and real analytic coboundaries. The transfer functions of the approximating (smooth and real analytic) coboundaries are close (in the supremum norm) to the transfer functions of the original ones. This result makes it possible to construct smooth and real analytic cocycles which are ergodic, ergodic and squashable (see [Aaronson, Lemańczyk,...

Constructive quantization: approximation by empirical measures

Steffen Dereich, Michael Scheutzow, Reik Schottstedt (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

In this article, we study the approximation of a probability measure μ on d by its empirical measure μ ^ N interpreted as a random quantization. As error criterion we consider an averaged p th moment Wasserstein metric. In the case where 2 p l t ; d , we establish fine upper and lower bounds for the error, ahigh resolution formula. Moreover, we provide a universal estimate based on moments, a Pierce type estimate. In particular, we show that quantization by empirical measures is of optimal order under weak assumptions....

Contiguity and LAN-property of sequences of Poisson processes

Friedrich Liese, Udo Lorz (1999)


Using the concept of Hellinger integrals, necessary and sufficient conditions are established for the contiguity of two sequences of distributions of Poisson point processes with an arbitrary state space. The distribution of logarithm of the likelihood ratio is shown to be infinitely divisible. The canonical measure is expressed in terms of the intensity measures. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the LAN-property are formulated in terms of the corresponding intensity measures.

Continuity of solutions of Riccati equations for the discrete-time JLQP

Adam Czornik, Andrzej Świerniak (2002)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The continuity of the solutions of difference and algebraic coupled Riccati equations for the discrete-time Markovian jump linear quadratic control problem as a function of coefficients is verified. The line of reasoning goes through the use of the minimum property formulated analogously to the one for coupled continuous Riccati equations presented by Wonham and a set of comparison theorems.

Continuity of stochastic convolutions

Zdzisław Brzeźniak, Szymon Peszat, Jerzy Zabczyk (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let B be a Brownian motion, and let 𝒞 p be the space of all continuous periodic functions f with period 1. It is shown that the set of all f 𝒞 p such that the stochastic convolution X f , B ( t ) = 0 t f ( t - s ) d B ( s ) , t [ 0 , 1 ] does not have a modification with bounded trajectories, and consequently does not have a continuous modification, is of the second Baire category.

Continuity versus nonexistence for a class of linear stochastic Cauchy problems driven by a Brownian motion

Johanna Dettweiler, J.M.A.M. van Neerven (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let A = d / d θ denote the generator of the rotation group in the space C ( Γ ) , where Γ denotes the unit circle. We show that the stochastic Cauchy problem d U ( t ) = A U ( t ) + f d b t , U ( 0 ) = 0 , ( 1 ) where b is a standard Brownian motion and f C ( Γ ) is fixed, has a weak solution if and only if the stochastic convolution process t ( f * b ) t has a continuous modification, and that in this situation the weak solution has a continuous modification. In combination with a recent result of Brzeźniak, Peszat and Zabczyk it follows that (1) fails to have a weak solution for all...

Continuous feedback stabilization for a class of affine stochastic nonlinear systems

Mohamed Oumoun, Lahcen Maniar, Abdelghafour Atlas (2020)


We investigate the state feedback stabilization, in the sense of weak solution, of nonlinear stochastic systems when the drift is quadratic in the control and the diffusion term is affine in the control. Based on the generalised stochastic Lyapunov theorem, we derive the necessary conditions and the sufficient conditions, respectively, for the global asymptotic stabilization in probability by a continuous feedback explicitly computed. The interest of this work is that the existing control methods...

Currently displaying 401 – 420 of 662