Displaying 221 – 240 of 498

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Error Control and Andaptivity for a Phase Relaxation Model

Zhiming Chen, Ricardo H. Nochetto, Alfred Schmidt (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The phase relaxation model is a diffuse interface model with small parameter ε which consists of a parabolic PDE for temperature θ and an ODE with double obstacles for phase variable χ. To decouple the system a semi-explicit Euler method with variable step-size τ is used for time discretization, which requires the stability constraint τ ≤ ε. Conforming piecewise linear finite elements over highly graded simplicial meshes with parameter h are further employed for space discretization. A posteriori...

Error estimate for a fully discrete spectral scheme for Korteweg-de Vries-Kawahara equation

Ujjwal Koley (2012)

Open Mathematics

We are concerned with convergence of spectral method for the numerical solution of the initial-boundary value problem associated to the Korteweg-de Vries-Kawahara equation (Kawahara equation, in short), which is a transport equation perturbed by dispersive terms of the 3rd and 5th order. This equation appears in several fluid dynamics problems. It describes the evolution of small but finite amplitude long waves in various problems in fluid dynamics. These equations are discretized in space by the...

Error estimates for a FitzHugh–Nagumo parameter-dependent reaction-diffusion system

Konstantinos Chrysafinos, Sotirios P. Filopoulos, Theodosios K. Papathanasiou (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Space-time approximations of the FitzHugh–Nagumo system of coupled semi-linear parabolic PDEs are examined. The schemes under consideration are discontinuous in time but conforming in space and of arbitrary order. Stability estimates are presented in the natural energy norms and at arbitrary times, under minimal regularity assumptions. Space-time error estimates of arbitrary order are derived, provided that the natural parabolic regularity is present. Various physical parameters appearing in the...

Error estimates for a FitzHugh–Nagumo parameter-dependent reaction-diffusion system

Konstantinos Chrysafinos, Sotirios P. Filopoulos, Theodosios K. Papathanasiou (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Space-time approximations of the FitzHugh–Nagumo system of coupled semi-linear parabolic PDEs are examined. The schemes under consideration are discontinuous in time but conforming in space and of arbitrary order. Stability estimates are presented in the natural energy norms and at arbitrary times, under minimal regularity assumptions. Space-time error estimates of arbitrary order are derived, provided that the natural parabolic regularity is present....

Error estimates for barycentric finite volumes combined with nonconforming finite elements applied to nonlinear convection-diffusion problems

Vít Dolejší, Miloslav Feistauer, Jiří Felcman, Alice Kliková (2002)

Applications of Mathematics

The subject of the paper is the derivation of error estimates for the combined finite volume-finite element method used for the numerical solution of nonstationary nonlinear convection-diffusion problems. Here we analyze the combination of barycentric finite volumes associated with sides of triangulation with the piecewise linear nonconforming Crouzeix-Raviart finite elements. Under some assumptions on the regularity of the exact solution, the L 2 ( L 2 ) and L 2 ( H 1 ) error estimates are established. At the end...

Error estimates for distributed parameter identification in parabolic problems with output least squares and Crank-Nicolson method

Tommi Kärkkäinen (1997)

Applications of Mathematics

The identification problem of a functional coefficient in a parabolic equation is considered. For this purpose an output least squares method is introduced, and estimates of the rate of convergence for the Crank-Nicolson time discretization scheme are proved, the equation being approximated with the finite element Galerkin method with respect to space variables.

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 498