Displaying 81 – 100 of 286

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Finite element analysis for unilateral problems with obstacles on the boundary

Jaroslav Haslinger (1977)

Aplikace matematiky

Finite element analysis of unilateral problems with obstacles on the boundary is given. Provided the exact solution is smooth enough, we obtain the rate of convergence 0 ( h ) for the case of one and two (lower and upper) obstacles on the boundary. At the end of this paper the proof of convergence without any regularity assumptions on the exact solution u is given.

Finite element analysis of a simplified stochastic Hookean dumbbells model arising from viscoelastic flows

Andrea Bonito, Philippe Clément, Marco Picasso (2006)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

A simplified stochastic Hookean dumbbells model arising from viscoelastic flows is considered, the convective terms being disregarded. A finite element discretization in space is proposed. Existence of the numerical solution is proved for small data, so as a priori error estimates, using an implicit function theorem and regularity results obtained in [Bonito et al., J. Evol. Equ.6 (2006) 381–398] for the solution of the continuous problem. A posteriori error estimates are also derived. Numerical...

Finite element analysis of a static contact problem with Coulomb friction

Ivan Hlaváček (2000)

Applications of Mathematics

A unilateral contact problem with a variable coefficient of friction is solved by a simplest variant of the finite element technique. The coefficient of friction may depend on the magnitude of the tangential displacement. The existence of an approximate solution and some a priori estimates are proved.

Finite element analysis of free material optimization problem

Jan Mach (2004)

Applications of Mathematics

Free material optimization solves an important problem of structural engineering, i.e. to find the stiffest structure for given loads and boundary conditions. Its mathematical formulation leads to a saddle-point problem. It can be solved numerically by the finite element method. The convergence of the finite element method can be proved if the spaces involved satisfy suitable approximation assumptions. An example of a finite-element discretization is included.

Finite element analysis of primal and dual variational formulations of semicoercive elliptic problems with nonhomogeneous obstacles on the boundary

Van Bon Tran (1988)

Aplikace matematiky

The Poisson equation with non-homogeneous unilateral condition on the boundary is solved by means of finite elements. The primal variational problem is approximated on the basis of linear triangular elements, and O ( h ) -convergence is proved provided the exact solution is regular enough. For the dual problem piecewise linear divergence-free approximations are employed and O ( h 3 / 2 ) -convergence proved for a regular solution. Some a posteriori error estimates are also presented.

Finite element analysis of sloshing and hydroelastic vibrations under gravity

Alfredo Bermúdez, Rodolfo Rodríguez (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

This paper deals with a finite element method to solve fluid-structure interaction problems. More precisely it concerns the numerical computation of harmonic hydroelastic vibrations under gravity. It is based on a displacement formulation for both the fluid and the solid. Gravity effects are included on the free surface of the fluid as well as on the liquid-solid interface. The pressure of the fluid is used as a variable for the theoretical analysis leading to a well posed mixed linear eigenvalue...

Finite element analysis of the Signorini problem in semi-coercive cases

Ivan Hlaváček, Ján Lovíšek (1980)

Aplikace matematiky

The plane Signorini problem is considered in the cases, when there exist non-trivial rigid admissible displacements. The existence and uniqueness of the solution and the convergence of piecewise linear finite element approximations is discussed.

Finite element approximation for a div-rot system with mixed boundary conditions in non-smooth plane domains

Michal Křížek, Pekka Neittaanmäki (1984)

Aplikace matematiky

The authors examine a finite element method for the numerical approximation of the solution to a div-rot system with mixed boundary conditions in bounded plane domains with piecewise smooth boundary. The solvability of the system both in an infinite and finite dimensional formulation is proved. Piecewise linear element fields with pointwise boundary conditions are used and their approximation properties are studied. Numerical examples indicating the accuracy of the method are given.

Finite element approximation for degenerate parabolic equations. An application of nonlinear semigroup theory

Akira Mizutani, Norikazu Saito, Takashi Suzuki (2005)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Finite element approximation for degenerate parabolic equations is considered. We propose a semidiscrete scheme provided with order-preserving and L 1 contraction properties, making use of piecewise linear trial functions and the lumping mass technique. Those properties allow us to apply nonlinear semigroup theory, and the wellposedness and stability in L 1 and L , respectively, of the scheme are established. Under certain hypotheses on the data, we also derive L 1 convergence without any convergence rate....

Finite element approximation for degenerate parabolic equations. an application of nonlinear semigroup theory

Akira Mizutani, Norikazu Saito, Takashi Suzuki (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Finite element approximation for degenerate parabolic equations is considered. We propose a semidiscrete scheme provided with order-preserving and L1 contraction properties, making use of piecewise linear trial functions and the lumping mass technique. Those properties allow us to apply nonlinear semigroup theory, and the wellposedness and stability in L1 and L∞, respectively, of the scheme are established. Under certain hypotheses on the data, we also derive L1 convergence without any...

Finite element approximation of a contact vector eigenvalue problem

Hennie de Schepper, Roger Van Keer (2003)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider a nonstandard elliptic eigenvalue problem of second order on a two-component domain consisting of two intervals with a contact point. The interaction between the two domains is expressed through a coupling condition of nonlocal type, more specifically, in integral form. The problem under consideration is first stated in its variational form and next interpreted as a second-order differential eigenvalue problem. The aim is to set up a finite element method for this problem. The error...

Finite element approximation of a Stefan problem with degenerate Joule heating

John W. Barrett, Robert Nürnberg (2004)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We consider a fully practical finite element approximation of the following degenerate system t ρ ( u ) - . ( α ( u ) u ) σ ( u ) | φ | 2 , . ( σ ( u ) φ ) = 0 subject to an initial condition on the temperature, u , and boundary conditions on both u and the electric potential, φ . In the above ρ ( u ) is the enthalpy incorporating the latent heat of melting, α ( u ) > 0 is the temperature dependent heat conductivity, and σ ( u ) 0 is the electrical conductivity. The latter is zero in the frozen zone, u 0 , which gives rise to the degeneracy in this Stefan system. In addition to showing stability...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 286