Displaying 481 – 500 of 595

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Residual and hierarchical a posteriori error estimates for nonconforming mixed finite element methods

Linda El Alaoui, Alexandre Ern (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We analyze residual and hierarchical a posteriori error estimates for nonconforming finite element approximations of elliptic problems with variable coefficients. We consider a finite volume box scheme equivalent to a nonconforming mixed finite element method in a Petrov–Galerkin setting. We prove that all the estimators yield global upper and local lower bounds for the discretization error. Finally, we present results illustrating the efficiency of the estimators, for instance, in the simulation...

Residual based a posteriori error estimators for eddy current computation

Rudi Beck, Ralf Hiptmair, Ronald H.W. Hoppe, Barbara Wohlmuth (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We consider H(curl;Ω)-elliptic problems that have been discretized by means of Nédélec's edge elements on tetrahedral meshes. Such problems occur in the numerical computation of eddy currents. From the defect equation we derive localized expressions that can be used as a posteriori error estimators to control adaptive refinement. Under certain assumptions on material parameters and computational domains, we derive local lower bounds and a global upper bound for the total error measured in...

Robust local problem error estimation for a singularly perturbed problem on anisotropic finite element meshes

Gerd Kunert (2001)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Singularly perturbed problems often yield solutions with strong directional features, e.g. with boundary layers. Such anisotropic solutions lend themselves to adapted, anisotropic discretizations. The quality of the corresponding numerical solution is a key issue in any computational simulation. To this end we present a new robust error estimator for a singularly perturbed reaction–diffusion problem. In contrast to conventional estimators, our proposal is suitable for anisotropic finite element...

Robust local problem error estimation for a singularly perturbed problem on anisotropic finite element meshes

Gerd Kunert (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Singularly perturbed problems often yield solutions with strong directional features, e.g. with boundary layers. Such anisotropic solutions lend themselves to adapted, anisotropic discretizations. The quality of the corresponding numerical solution is a key issue in any computational simulation. To this end we present a new robust error estimator for a singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problem. In contrast to conventional estimators, our proposal is suitable for anisotropic finite element...

Sharp upper global a posteriori error estimates for nonlinear elliptic variational problems

János Karátson, Sergey Korotov (2009)

Applications of Mathematics

The paper is devoted to the problem of verification of accuracy of approximate solutions obtained in computer simulations. This problem is strongly related to a posteriori error estimates, giving computable bounds for computational errors and detecting zones in the solution domain where such errors are too large and certain mesh refinements should be performed. A mathematical model embracing nonlinear elliptic variational problems is considered in this work. Based on functional type estimates developed...

Skipping transition conditions in a posteriori error estimates for finite element discretizations of parabolic equations

Stefano Berrone (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper we derive a posteriori error estimates for the heat equation. The time discretization strategy is based on a θ-method and the mesh used for each time-slab is independent of the mesh used for the previous time-slab. The novelty of this paper is an upper bound for the error caused by the coarsening of the mesh used for computing the solution in the previous time-slab. The technique applied for deriving this upper bound is independent of the problem and can be generalized to other time...

Currently displaying 481 – 500 of 595