Displaying 901 – 920 of 2623

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Free vibrations for the equation of a rectangular thin plate

Eduard Feireisl (1988)

Aplikace matematiky

In the paper, we deal with the equation of a rectangular thin plate with a simply supported boundary. The restoring force being an odd superlinear function of the vertical displacement, the existence of infinitely many nonzero time-periodic solutions is proved.

Frictional contact of an anisotropic piezoelectric plate

Isabel N. Figueiredo, Georg Stadler (2009)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The purpose of this paper is to derive and study a new asymptotic model for the equilibrium state of a thin anisotropic piezoelectric plate in frictional contact with a rigid obstacle. In the asymptotic process, the thickness of the piezoelectric plate is driven to zero and the convergence of the unknowns is studied. This leads to two-dimensional Kirchhoff-Love plate equations, in which mechanical displacement and electric potential are partly decoupled. Based on this model numerical examples are presented...

Frictionless contact problem with adhesion and finite penetration for elastic materials

Arezki Touzaline (2010)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The paper deals with the problem of quasistatic frictionless contact between an elastic body and a foundation. The elasticity operator is assumed to vanish for zero strain, to be Lipschitz continuous and strictly monotone with respect to the strain as well as Lebesgue measurable on the domain occupied by the body. The contact is modelled by normal compliance in such a way that the penetration is limited and restricted to unilateral contraints. In this problem we take into account adhesion which...

Functional a posteriori error estimates for incremental models in elasto-plasticity

Sergey Repin, Jan Valdman (2009)

Open Mathematics

We consider incremental problem arising in elasto-plastic models with isotropic hardening. Our goal is to derive computable and guaranteed bounds of the difference between the exact solution and any function in the admissible (energy) class of the problem considered. Such estimates are obtained by an advanced version of the variational approach earlier used for linear boundary-value problems and nonlinear variational problems with convex functionals [24, 30]. They do no contain mesh-dependent constants...

General and physically privileged solutions to certain symmetric systems of linear P.D.E.s with tensor functionals as unknowns

Adriano Montanaro, Diego Pigozzi (2000)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

We characterize the general solutions to certain symmetric systems of linear partial differential equations with tensor functionals as unknowns. Then we determine the solutions that are physically meaningful in suitable senses related with the constitutive functionals of two simple thermodynamic bodies with fading memory that are globally equivalent, i.e. roughly speaking that behave in the same way along processes not involving cuts. The domains of the constitutive functionals are nowhere dense...

General method of regularization. I: Functionals defined on BD space

Jarosław L. Bojarski (2004)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The aim of this paper is to prove that the relaxation of the elastic-perfectly plastic energy (of a solid made of a Hencky material) is the lower semicontinuous regularization of the plastic energy. We find the integral representation of a non-locally coercive functional. In part II, we will show that the set of solutions of the relaxed problem is equal to the set of solutions of the relaxed problem proposed by Suquet. Moreover, we will prove the existence theorem for the limit analysis problem.

General method of regularization. II: Relaxation proposed by suquet

Jarosław L. Bojarski (2004)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The aim of this paper is to prove that the relaxation of the elastic-perfectly plastic energy (of a solid made of a Hencky material) is the lower semicontinuous regularization of the plastic energy. We find the integral representation of a non-locally coercive functional. We show that the set of solutions of the relaxed problem is equal to the set of solutions of the relaxed problem proposed by Suquet. Moreover, we prove an existence theorem for the limit analysis problem.

General method of regularization. III: The unilateral contact problem

Jarosław L. Bojarski (2004)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The aim of this paper is to prove that the relaxation of the elastic-perfectly plastic energy (of a solid made of a Hencky material with the Signorini constraints on the boundary) is the weak* lower semicontinuous regularization of the plastic energy. We consider an elastic-plastic solid endowed with the von Mises (or Tresca) yield condition. Moreover, we show that the set of solutions of the relaxed problem is equal to the set of solutions of the relaxed problem proposed by Suquet. We deduce that...

Generalised functions of bounded deformation

Gianni Dal Maso (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We introduce the space G B D of generalized functions of bounded deformation and study the structure properties of these functions: the rectiability and the slicing properties of their jump sets, and the existence of their approximate symmetric gradients. We conclude by proving a compactness results for G B D , which leads to a compactness result for the space G S B D of generalized special functions of bounded deformation. The latter is connected to the existence of solutions to a weak formulation of some variational...

Currently displaying 901 – 920 of 2623