Displaying 1001 – 1020 of 2623

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Homogenization of periodic non self-adjoint problems with large drift and potential

Grégoire Allaire, Rafael Orive (2007)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider the homogenization of both the parabolic and eigenvalue problems for a singularly perturbed convection-diffusion equation in a periodic medium. All coefficients of the equation may vary both on the macroscopic scale and on the periodic microscopic scale. Denoting by ε the period, the potential or zero-order term is scaled as ε - 2 and the drift or first-order term is scaled as ε - 1 . Under a structural hypothesis on the first cell eigenvalue, which is assumed to admit a unique minimum in the...

Homogenization of periodic nonconvex integral functionals in terms of Young measures

Omar Anza Hafsa, Jean-Philippe Mandallena, Gérard Michaille (2006)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Homogenization of periodic functionals, whose integrands possess possibly multi-well structure, is treated in terms of Young measures. More precisely, we characterize the Γ -limit of sequences of such functionals in the set of Young measures, extending the relaxation theorem of Kinderlherer and Pedregal. We also make precise the relationship between our homogenized density and the classical one.

Homogenization of periodic nonconvex integral functionals in terms of Young measures

Omar Anza Hafsa, Jean-Philippe Mandallena, Gérard Michaille (2005)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Homogenization of periodic functionals, whose integrands possess possibly multi-well structure, is treated in terms of Young measures. More precisely, we characterize the Γ-limit of sequences of such functionals in the set of Young measures, extending the relaxation theorem of Kinderlherer and Pedregal. We also make precise the relationship between our homogenized density and the classical one.

Homogenization of quasilinear optimal control problems involving a thick multilevel junction of type 3 : 2 : 1

Tiziana Durante, Taras A. Mel’nyk (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider quasilinear optimal control problems involving a thick two-level junction Ωε which consists of the junction body Ω0 and a large number of thin cylinders with the cross-section of order 𝒪(ε2). The thin cylinders are divided into two levels depending on the geometrical characteristics, the quasilinear boundary conditions and controls given on their lateral surfaces and bases respectively. In addition, the quasilinear boundary conditions depend on parameters ε, α, β and the...

Homogenization of quasilinear optimal control problems involving a thick multilevel junction of type 3 : 2 : 1∗

Tiziana Durante, Taras A. Mel’nyk (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider quasilinear optimal control problems involving a thick two-level junction Ωε which consists of the junction body Ω0 and a large number of thin cylinders with the cross-section of order 𝒪(ε2). The thin cylinders are divided into two levels depending on the geometrical characteristics, the quasilinear boundary conditions and controls given on their lateral surfaces and bases respectively. In addition, the quasilinear boundary...

Homogenization of quasilinear optimal control problems involving a thick multilevel junction of type 3 : 2 : 1∗

Tiziana Durante, Taras A. Mel’nyk (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider quasilinear optimal control problems involving a thick two-level junction Ωε which consists of the junction body Ω0 and a large number of thin cylinders with the cross-section of order 𝒪(ε2). The thin cylinders are divided into two levels depending on the geometrical characteristics, the quasilinear boundary conditions and controls given on their lateral surfaces and bases respectively. In addition, the quasilinear boundary...

Homogenization of quasilinear parabolic problems by the method of Rothe and two scale convergence

Emmanuel Kwame Essel, Komil Kuliev, Gulchehra Kulieva, Lars-Erik Persson (2010)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider a quasilinear parabolic problem with time dependent coefficients oscillating rapidly in the space variable. The existence and uniqueness results are proved by using Rothe’s method combined with the technique of two-scale convergence. Moreover, we derive a concrete homogenization algorithm for giving a unique and computable approximation of the solution.

Homogenization of the Maxwell equations: Case I. Linear theory

Niklas Wellander (2001)

Applications of Mathematics

The Maxwell equations in a heterogeneous medium are studied. Nguetseng’s method of two-scale convergence is applied to homogenize and prove corrector results for the Maxwell equations with inhomogeneous initial conditions. Compactness results, of two-scale type, needed for the homogenization of the Maxwell equations are proved.

Homogenization of the Maxwell Equations: Case II. Nonlinear conductivity

Niklas Wellander (2002)

Applications of Mathematics

The Maxwell equations with uniformly monotone nonlinear electric conductivity in a heterogeneous medium, which may be non-periodic, are homogenized by two-scale convergence. We introduce a new set of function spaces appropriate for the nonlinear Maxwell system. New compactness results, of two-scale type, are proved for these function spaces. We prove existence of a unique solution for the heterogeneous system as well as for the homogenized system. We also prove that the solutions of the heterogeneous...

Homogenization of thin piezoelectric perforated shells

Marius Ghergu, Georges Griso, Houari Mechkour, Bernadette Miara (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We rigorously establish the existence of the limit homogeneous constitutive law of a piezoelectric composite made of periodically perforated microstructures and whose reference configuration is a thin shell with fixed thickness. We deal with an extension of the Koiter shell model in which the three curvilinear coordinates of the elastic displacement field and the electric potential are coupled. By letting the size of the microstructure going to zero and by using the periodic unfolding method combined...

Homogenization of unbounded functionals and nonlinear elastomers. The case of the fixed constraints set

Luciano Carbone, Doina Cioranescu, Riccardo De Arcangelis, Antonio Gaudiello (2004)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The paper is a continuation of a previous work of the same authors dealing with homogenization processes for some energies of integral type arising in the modeling of rubber-like elastomers. The previous paper took into account the general case of the homogenization of energies in presence of pointwise oscillating constraints on the admissible deformations. In the present paper homogenization processes are treated in the particular case of fixed constraints set, in which minimal coerciveness hypotheses...

Homogenization of unbounded functionals and nonlinear elastomers. The case of the fixed constraints set

Luciano Carbone, Doina Cioranescu, Riccardo De Arcangelis, Antonio Gaudiello (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The paper is a continuation of a previous work of the same authors dealing with homogenization processes for some energies of integral type arising in the modeling of rubber-like elastomers. The previous paper took into account the general case of the homogenization of energies in presence of pointwise oscillating constraints on the admissible deformations. In the present paper homogenization processes are treated in the particular case of fixed constraints set, in which minimal coerciveness hypotheses...

Homogenization of variational problems in manifold valued Sobolev spaces

Jean-François Babadjian, Vincent Millot (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Homogenization of integral functionals is studied under the constraint that admissible maps have to take their values into a given smooth manifold. The notion of tangential homogenization is defined by analogy with the tangential quasiconvexity introduced by Dacorogna et al. [Calc. Var. Part. Diff. Eq. 9 (1999) 185–206]. For energies with superlinear or linear growth, a Γ-convergence result is established in Sobolev spaces, the homogenization problem in the space of functions of bounded variation...

Homogenized double porosity models for poro-elastic media with interfacial flow barrier

Abdelhamid Ainouz (2011)

Mathematica Bohemica

In the paper a Barenblatt-Biot consolidation model for flows in periodic porous elastic media is derived by means of the two-scale convergence technique. Starting with the fluid flow of a slightly compressible viscous fluid through a two-component poro-elastic medium separated by a periodic interfacial barrier, described by the Biot model of consolidation with the Deresiewicz-Skalak interface boundary condition and assuming that the period is too small compared with the size of the medium, the limiting...

hp-FEM for three-dimensional elastic plates

Monique Dauge, Christoph Schwab (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this work, we analyze hierarchic hp-finite element discretizations of the full, three-dimensional plate problem. Based on two-scale asymptotic expansion of the three-dimensional solution, we give specific mesh design principles for the hp-FEM which allow to resolve the three-dimensional boundary layer profiles at robust, exponential rate. We prove that, as the plate half-thickness ε tends to zero, the hp-discretization is consistent with the three-dimensional solution to any power of ε in...

Currently displaying 1001 – 1020 of 2623