Displaying 301 – 320 of 325

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Thermo-visco-elasticity with rate-independent plasticity in isotropic materials undergoing thermal expansion

Sören Bartels, Tomáš Roubíček (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We consider a viscoelastic solid in Kelvin-Voigt rheology exhibiting also plasticity with hardening and coupled with heat-transfer through dissipative heat production by viscoplastic effects and through thermal expansion and corresponding adiabatic effects. Numerical discretization of the thermodynamically consistent model is proposed by implicit time discretization, suitable regularization, and finite elements in space. Fine a-priori estimates are derived, and convergence is proved by careful successive...

Thermo-visco-elasticity with rate-independent plasticity in isotropic materials undergoing thermal expansion*

Sören Bartels, Tomáš Roubíček (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We consider a viscoelastic solid in Kelvin-Voigt rheology exhibiting also plasticity with hardening and coupled with heat-transfer through dissipative heat production by viscoplastic effects and through thermal expansion and corresponding adiabatic effects. Numerical discretization of the thermodynamically consistent model is proposed by implicit time discretization, suitable regularization, and finite elements in space. Fine a-priori estimates are derived, and convergence is proved by careful...

Two-sided bounds of eigenvalues of second- and fourth-order elliptic operators

Andrey Andreev, Milena Racheva (2014)

Applications of Mathematics

This article presents an idea in the finite element methods (FEMs) for obtaining two-sided bounds of exact eigenvalues. This approach is based on the combination of nonconforming methods giving lower bounds of the eigenvalues and a postprocessing technique using conforming finite elements. Our results hold for the second and fourth-order problems defined on two-dimensional domains. First, we list analytic and experimental results concerning triangular and rectangular nonconforming elements which...

Unconditionally stable mid-point time integration in elastic-plastic dynamics

Alberto Corigliano, Umberto Perego (1990)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

The dynamic analysis of elastoplastic systems discretized by finite elements is dealt with. The material behaviour is described by a rather general internal variable model. The unknown fields are modelled in terms of suitable variables, generalized in Prager's sense. Time integrations are carried out by means of a generalized mid-point rule. The resulting nonlinear equations expressing dynamic equilibrium of the finite step problem are solved by means of a Newton-Raphson iterative scheme. The unconditional...

Unilateral contact applications using FEM software

M. Stavroulaki, G. Stavroulakis (2002)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Nonsmooth analysis, inequality constrained optimization and variational inequalities are involved in the modelling of unilateral contact problems. The corresponding theoretical and algorithmic tools, which are part of the area known as nonsmooth mechanics, are by no means classical. In general purpose software some of these tools (perhaps in a simplified way) are currently available. Two engineering applications, a rubber-coated roller contact problem and a masonry wall, solved with MARC, are briefly...

Unilateral elastic subsoil of Winkler's type: Semi-coercive beam problem

Stanislav Sysala (2008)

Applications of Mathematics

The mathematical model of a beam on a unilateral elastic subsoil of Winkler's type and with free ends is considered. Such a problem is non-linear and semi-coercive. The additional assumptions on the beam load ensuring the problem solvability are formulated and the existence, the uniqueness of the solution and the continuous dependence on the data are proved. The cases for which the solutions need not be stable with respect to the small changes of the load are described. The problem is approximated...

Verification of functional a posteriori error estimates for obstacle problem in 1D

Petr Harasim, Jan Valdman (2013)


We verify functional a posteriori error estimate for obstacle problem proposed by Repin. Simplification into 1D allows for the construction of a nonlinear benchmark for which an exact solution of the obstacle problem can be derived. Quality of a numerical approximation obtained by the finite element method is compared with the exact solution and the error of approximation is bounded from above by a majorant error estimate. The sharpness of the majorant error estimate is discussed.

Verification of functional a posteriori error estimates for obstacle problem in 2D

Petr Harasim, Jan Valdman (2014)


We verify functional a posteriori error estimates proposed by S. Repin for a class of obstacle problems in two space dimensions. New benchmarks with known analytical solution are constructed based on one dimensional benchmark introduced by P. Harasim and J. Valdman. Numerical approximation of the solution of the obstacle problem is obtained by the finite element method using bilinear elements on a rectangular mesh. Error of the approximation is measured by a functional majorant. The majorant value...

Vibrations of a beam between obstacles. Convergence of a fully discretized approximation

Yves Dumont, Laetitia Paoli (2006)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We consider mathematical models describing dynamics of an elastic beam which is clamped at its left end to a vibrating support and which can move freely at its right end between two rigid obstacles. We model the contact with Signorini's complementary conditions between the displacement and the shear stress. For this infinite dimensional contact problem, we propose a family of fully discretized approximations and their convergence is proved. Moreover some examples of implementation are presented....

Weight minimization of an elastic plate with a unilateral inner obstacle by a mixed finite element method

Ivan Hlaváček (1994)

Applications of Mathematics

Unilateral deflection problem of a clamped plate above a rigid inner obstacle is considered. The variable thickness of the plate is to be optimized to reach minimal weight under some constraints for maximal stresses. Since the constraints are expressed in terms of the bending moments only, Herrmann-Hellan finite element scheme is employed. The existence of an optimal thickness is proved and some convergence analysis for approximate penalized optimal design problem is presented.

Weight minimization of elastic bodies weakly supporting tension. I. Domains with one curved side

Ivan Hlaváček, Michal Křížek (1992)

Applications of Mathematics

Shape optimization of a two-dimensional elastic body is considered, provided the material is weakly supporting tension. The problem generalizes that of a masonry dam subjected to its own weight and to the hydrostatic presure. Existence of an optimal shape is proved. Using a penalty method and finite element technique, approximate solutions are proposed and their convergence is analyzed.

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 325