Displaying 101 – 120 of 419

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Controllable systems of partial differential equations

František Tumajer (1986)

Aplikace matematiky

In the paper definitions of various kinds of stability and boundedness of solutions of linear controllable systems of partial differential equations are introduced and their interconnections are derived. By means of Ljapunov's functions theorems are proved which give necessary and sufficient conditions for particular kinds of stability and boundedness of the solutions.

Deadbeat control, pole placement, and LQ regulation

Vladimír Kučera (1999)


Deadbeat control, a typical example of linear control strategies in discrete- time systems, is shown to be a special case of the linear-quadratic regulation. This result is obtained by drawing on the parallels between the state-space and the transfer-function design techniques.

Decomposition of a second-order linear time-varying differential system as the series connection of two first order commutative pairs

Mehmet Emir Koksal (2016)

Open Mathematics

Necessary and sufficiently conditions are derived for the decomposition of a second order linear time- varying system into two cascade connected commutative first order linear time-varying subsystems. The explicit formulas describing these subsystems are presented. It is shown that a very small class of systems satisfies the stated conditions. The results are well verified by simulations. It is also shown that its cascade synthesis is less sensitive to numerical errors than the direct simulation...

Derivation of effective transfer function models by input, output variables selection

Nicos Karcanias, Konstantinos G. Vafiadis (2002)


Transfer function models used for early stages of design are large dimension models containing all possible physical inputs, outputs. Such models may be badly conditioned and possibly degenerate. The problem considered here is the selection of maximal cardinality subsets of the physical input, output sets, such as the resulting model is nondegenerate and satisfies additional properties such as controllability and observability and avoids the existence of high order infinite zeros. This problem is...

Descriptor fractional linear systems with regular pencils

Tadeusz Kaczorek (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Methods for finding solutions of the state equations of descriptor fractional discrete-time and continuous-time linear systems with regular pencils are proposed. The derivation of the solution formulas is based on the application of the Z transform, the Laplace transform and the convolution theorems. Procedures for computation of the transition matrices are proposed. The efficiency of the proposed methods is demonstrated on simple numerical examples.

Design of an adaptive controller of LQG type: spline-based approach

Tatiana V. Guy, Miroslav Kárný (2000)


The paper presents an alternative approach to the design of a hybrid adaptive controller of Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) type for linear stochastic controlled system. The approach is based on the combination standard building blocks of discrete LQG adaptive controller with the non-standard technique of modelling of a controlled system and spline approximation of involved signals. The method could be of interest for control of systems with complex models, in particular distributed parameter systems....

Design of robust output affine quadratic controller

Vojtech Veselý (2004)


The paper addresses the problem robust output feedback controller design with guaranteed cost and affine quadratic stability for linear continuous time affine systems. The proposed design method leads to a non-iterative LMI based algorithm. A numerical example is given to illustrate the design procedure.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 419