Mwani Colour Inversion, Symmetry and Cycle Matrices
My reminiscence from the Lvov Mathematical School (1932-1945)
Němečtí matematici a československý region
Positive Thinking. Conceptions of Negative Quantities in the Netherlands and the Reception of Lacroix’s Algebra Textbook
The beginning of the 19th century witnessed the emergence of several new approaches to negative numbers. New notions of rigour made the 18th century conceptions of negative quantities unacceptable. This paper discusses theories of negative numbers emerging in the Netherlands in the early 19th century. Dutch mathematicians then opted for a different approach than that of their contemporaries, in Germany or France. The Dutch translation (1821) of Lacroix’s Élémens d’algèbre illustrates the ‘Dutch’...
Professor Jan Mikusiński-the 20th anniversary of his death
Remarks on the history of mathematics in Lviv up to the middle of the XXth century
Reminiscences on science at IHÉS. A problem on homoclinic theory and a brief review
Science and exile in Latin America. the case of the Uruguayan mathematicians in Venezuela.
Stanislaw Mazur's Contributions to Fuctional Analysis.
Sviluppo Storico della Matematica in Turchia dalla Riforma dell’Università al 1997
The growth of mathematical culture in the Lvov area in the autonomy period (1870–1920) [Book]
The Lvov years of Wacław Sierpiński
An account is given of Sierpiński's activity in Lvov (1908-1918) interrupted by World War I.
Università, accademie e scienze in Italia nell'età moderna
Vědecký seminář na katedře algebry Moskevské university
Władysław Orlicz (1903-1990) - Polish mathematician
This is a brief biography of the Polish mathematician Władysław Orlicz (mostly known for Orlicz spaces), one of the members of the famous Lwów School of Mathematics (Polish School of Analysis in Lwów) who after World War II organized the Poznań School of Mathematics. This biography also includes his scientific achievements and many official scientific activities (honors and awards, membership in various scientific societies and editorial boards). There is a special section about Orlicz's connection...
Zdeněk Frolík and the descriptive theory of sets and spaces
Российской академии наук 275 лет