Displaying 721 – 740 of 1305

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Preliminaries to Classical First Order Model Theory

Marco Caminati (2011)

Formalized Mathematics

First of a series of articles laying down the bases for classical first order model theory. These articles introduce a framework for treating arbitrary languages with equality. This framework is kept as generic and modular as possible: both the language and the derivation rule are introduced as a type, rather than a fixed functor; definitions and results regarding syntax, semantics, interpretations and sequent derivation rules, respectively, are confined to separate articles, to mark out the hierarchy...

Priestley dualities for some lattice-ordered algebraic structures, including MTL, IMTL and MV-algebras

Leonardo Cabrer, Sergio Celani (2006)

Open Mathematics

In this work we give a duality for many classes of lattice ordered algebras, as Integral Commutative Distributive Residuated Lattices MTL-algebras, IMTL-algebras and MV-algebras (see page 604). These dualities are obtained by restricting the duality given by the second author for DLFI-algebras by means of Priestley spaces with ternary relations (see [2]). We translate the equations that define some known subvarieties of DLFI-algebras to relational conditions in the associated DLFI-space.

Prime Factorization of Sums and Differences of Two Like Powers

Rafał Ziobro (2016)

Formalized Mathematics

Representation of a non zero integer as a signed product of primes is unique similarly to its representations in various types of positional notations [4], [3]. The study focuses on counting the prime factors of integers in the form of sums or differences of two equal powers (thus being represented by 1 and a series of zeroes in respective digital bases). Although the introduced theorems are not particularly important, they provide a couple of shortcuts useful for integer factorization, which could...

Prime Filters and Ideals in Distributive Lattices

Adam Grabowski (2013)

Formalized Mathematics

The article continues the formalization of the lattice theory (as structures with two binary operations, not in terms of ordering relations). In the Mizar Mathematical Library, there are some attempts to formalize prime ideals and filters; one series of articles written as decoding [9] proven some results; we tried however to follow [21], [12], and [13]. All three were devoted to the Stone representation theorem [18] for Boolean or Heyting lattices. The main aim of the present article was to bridge...

Probabilistic operational semantics for the lambda calculus

Ugo Dal Lago, Margherita Zorzi (2012)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Probabilistic operational semantics for a nondeterministic extension of pure λ-calculus is studied. In this semantics, a term evaluates to a (finite or infinite) distribution of values. Small-step and big-step semantics, inductively and coinductively defined, are given. Moreover, small-step and big-step semantics are shown to produce identical outcomes, both in call-by-value and in call-by-name. Plotkin’s CPS translation is extended to accommodate the choice operator and shown correct with respect...

Currently displaying 721 – 740 of 1305