The diameter of a Lascar strong type
We prove that a type-definable Lascar strong type has finite diameter. We also answer some other questions from [1] on Lascar strong types. We give some applications on subgroups of type-definable groups.
We prove that a type-definable Lascar strong type has finite diameter. We also answer some other questions from [1] on Lascar strong types. We give some applications on subgroups of type-definable groups.
We prove a structure theorem asserting that each superflat graph is tree-decomposable in a very nice way. As a consequence we fully determine the spectrum functions of theories of superflat graphs.
We define the class of thick cats (compact abstract theories, which contains in particular semi-Hausdorff, Hausdorff and first order cats), and prove that in this class simplicity behaves as in first order theories. We consider well-known first order notions, such as interpretability or stable dividing/reduct, and propose analogous notions that can be naturally expressed in terms of maps between type-space functors. We prove several desirable properties of the new notions and show the connection...
We study orthogonality, domination, weight, regular and minimal types in the contexts of rosy and super-rosy theories.