Star coloring high girth planar graphs.
In this paper we study some distance properties of outerplanar graphs with the Hamiltonian cycle whose all bounded faces are cycles isomorphic to the cycle C4. We call this family of graphs quadrangular outerplanar graphs. We give the lower and upper bound on the double branch weight and the status for this graphs. At the end of this paper we show some relations between median and double centroid in quadrangular outerplanar graphs
Let Δ ≥ 4 be an integer. In this note, we prove that every planar graph with maximum degree Δ and girth at least 1 Δ+46 is strong (2Δ−1)-edgecolorable, that is best possible (in terms of number of colors) as soon as G contains two adjacent vertices of degree Δ. This improves [6] when Δ ≥ 6.
We characterize which automorphisms of an arbitrary complete bipartite graph can be induced by a homeomorphism of some embedding of the graph in S³.