Planar maps as labeled mobiles.
On définit localement la notion de polyèdre de rang deux pour un polyèdre fini de dimension deux à courbure négative ou nulle. On montre que le revêtement universel d’un tel espace est soit le produit de deux arbres, soit un immeuble de Tits euclidien de rang deux.
Given a connected graph and a vertex x ∈ V (G), the geodesic graph Px(G) has the same vertex set as G with edges uv iff either v is on an x − u geodesic path or u is on an x − v geodesic path. A characterization is given of those graphs all of whose geodesic graphs are complete bipartite. It is also shown that the geodetic number of the Cartesian product of Km,n with itself, where m, n ≥ 4, is equal to the minimum of m, n and eight.
A positive integer n is said to be Wiener graphical, if there exists a graph G with Wiener index n. In this paper, we prove that any positive integer n(≠ 2,5) is Wiener graphical. For any positive integer p, an interval [a,b] is said to be a p-Wiener interval if for each positive integer n ∈ [a,b] there exists a graph G on p vertices such that W(G) = n. For any positive integer p, an interval [a,b] is said to be p-Wiener free interval (p-hyper-Wiener free interval) if there exist no graph G on p...