Natural bijections between directed and undirected self-complementary graphs
A kernel of a digraph D is a subset N ⊆ V(D) which is both independent and absorbing. When every induced subdigraph of D has a kernel, the digraph D is said to be kernel-perfect. We say that D is a critical kernel-imperfect digraph if D does not have a kernel but every proper induced subdigraph of D does have at least one. Although many classes of critical kernel-imperfect-digraphs have been constructed, all of them are digraphs such that the block-cutpoint tree of its asymmetrical part is a path....
We show that any total n-functional digraph D is uniquely determined by its skeleton up to the orientation of some cycles and infinite chains. Next, we characterize all graphs G such that each n-functional digraph obtained from G by directing all its edges is total. Finally, we describe finite graphs whose edges can be directed to form a total n-functional digraph without cycles.
We first characterize in a simple combinatorial way all finite graphs whose edges can be directed to form an n-functional digraph, for a fixed positive integer n. Next, we prove that the possibility of directing the edges of an infinite graph to form an n-functional digraph depends on its finite subgraphs only. These results generalize Ore's result for functional digraphs.
On s’intéresse ici au nombre maximum d’ordres de Slater qu’admettent les tournois vérifiant , où est un paramètre calculé à partir des scores de . On détermine ce nombre maximum d’ordres de Slater, de l’ordre de , si désigne le nombre de sommets. On donne de plus la forme des tournois vérifiant et maximisant le nombre d’ordres de Slater. En particulier, on obtient que ces tournois ne sont pas fortement connexes pour pair.
The known relation between the standard radius and diameter holds for graphs, but not for digraphs. We show that no upper estimation is possible for digraphs. We also give some remarks on distances, which are either metric or non-metric.